affordable housing

Affordable Housing

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What is the Problem?

Affordable housing in Milpitas, Santa Clara County, CA. Programs for first time buyers, teachers, and seniors looking for low cost, below market rate (BMR) housing.

HUD Community Programs
There are many ways for you to get involved in your community – but first, you need to become an informed citizen. Find out what kinds of funds and opportunities are available for communities. Learn the facts about your community. And let your local government know what you think.

SV@Home is uniquely positioned to advocate for housing solutions.

The voice for affordable housing in the Silicon Valley. A membership organization, SV@Home advocates for policies, programs, land use, and funding that lead to an increased supply of affordable housing. Additionally, SV@Home educates elected officials and the community about the need for housing, and the link between housing and other quality of life outcomes, including education, health, transportation, and the environment

See also ~ Homeless in Milpitas

Solutions to Affordable Housing

Discounted Housing
Grants and Funding Programs
Homeless in Milpitas
Senior Housing & Living Centers

Discounted Housing

City of Milpitas to provide rental assistance to low-income residents & workers
By Eric Shapiro, Milpitas Beat, April 4, 2024
Up to 50 recipients living or working within Milpitas city limits shall qualify. To be approved, these recipients must be at or below 30% of the Housing & Community Development (HCD) income levels. Those who are selected to receive support will benefit from 24 months of rental assistance.

First-Time Homebuyers Assistance
California Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) offers a first-time homebuyer down payment assistance program for low-income residents to purchase a new home.

Milpitas, CA Low Income Housing
We list 9 low income housing complexes in and around Milpitas, California. We list the following: HUD apartments, Section 8 apartments, Public Housing apartments, Non profit low income apartments, and Low income tax credit apartments. Looking for government and non-profit programs to assist you with paying for your rent?
Check our sister website, Rent Assistance.

Housing Division of Milpitas
Please contact Building Safety Department at 408-586-3240.

Planning & Neighborhood Services Department
The City of Milpitas is in the process of updating its affordable housing policies. Part of the update process is the consideration of adopting an affordable housing fee applicable to new residential and non-residential developments.

Rental Assistance Programs
The City of Milpitas Workforce Housing Rental Assistance Program (WHRAP) aims to provide twenty-four months of rental assistance for up to fifty households at or below 30% of the Housing & Community Development (HCD) Area Median Income who are living and/or working within the Milpitas city limits.

Summary, Context Materials, and Recommendations Report
A concise version of the affordable housing nexus studies prepared by Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (KMA) and presents analyses designed to provide context for policy decisions. It also outlines recommendations for the City of Milpitas regarding the City’s affordable housing policies for residential development and consideration of a potential new affordable housing impact fee for non-residential development.

Sunnyhills Apartments
• 171 bedroom units.
• Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance
Since this property has a Project-Based Section 8 contract with HUD, some or all of the rents at this community are based on tenant incomes. Tenants leasing units participating in the Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance program typically contribute less than 30% of their adjusted income towards rental costs.
1724 Sunnyhills Dr.

Teacher Next Door Program
The program offers HUD-owned, single family homes to public and private school teachers at 50 percent discount.

When it comes to affordable housing, Milpitas is leaning all the way in.
At a special City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 12, several groundbreaking actions were taken to create more affordable housing opportunities for local residents. Among them was approval of a site development permit, density bonus, and environmental assessment to build 100-102 affordable housing units for low-income residents and veterans at 355 Sango Court.

Grants and Funding Programs

California Housing Finance Agency
Rental housing, home ownership assistance. Small business development.

Center for Responsible Lending
Advocates fair lending through equitable treatment of all borrowers. This is a link about morgage lending.

Community Technology Alliance
Our focus is to increase the community’s access to available resources for unhoused and at risk residents, and facilitate a collaborative and holistic system approach to assisting this population.

Housing Trust of Santa Clara County
A catalyst to develop specific, desperately needed housing in Santa Clara County through an innovative blend of corporate and community investors.

Local Initiative Support Collaborative (LISC)
LISC provides grants, loans and equity investments to CDCs for neighborhood redevelopment. 369 Pine Street, Suite 350, San Francisco, CA 408-94104, (415) 397-7322.

Silicon Valley Habitat for Humanity
People with Disabilities are encouraged to apply: one home will be constructed to meet the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards for persons with mobility impairments. 513 Valley Way, 408-942-6444.

Fighting Homelessness

Homeless in Milpitas
Milpitas needs to be more aware of the plight of the homeless in our small city, living in forested freeway exits and under bridges next to our streams.

Milpitas Rent Relief available NOW!
Are you behind on rent due to COVID/Pandemic-related causes and need some support? Let the Milpitas Rent Relief program help you!

Senior Housing & Living Centers

Senior Housing & Living Centers
Senior specific living communities in Milpitas, California.