Blond on Plane

An Educator Goes to Milpitas

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A beautiful, blond educator gets on an airplane and sits down in first class. The stewardess notices her ticket is for the coach section so she approaches the educator and asks her to move back to the coach section.

The educator replies, “I’m educated and I’m beautiful and I’m going to Milpitas.”

The stewardess explains, “That’s fine m’am, but you did not pay for a first class ticket and I need to ask you to move to your assigned seat in the coach section.”

The educator again replies with a big smile, “I’m educated and I’m beautiful and I’m going to Milpitas.”

The stewardess again tries to explain by saying, “I understand, however, someone else is going to need this seat so I need to ask you to please move back to your seat.”

Again, the educator smiles and responds, “I’m educated and I’m beautiful and I’m going to Milpitas.”

Completely frustrated the stewardess goes to the captain and explains the problem.

The captain goes to the first class section, bends over, and whispers something in the educator’s ear. The educator jumps up, runs back, and sits in her assigned seat. The stewardess looks at the captain and asks him what he told the woman.

He replies, “I told her first class doesn’t go to Milpitas.”

A Milpitas Mom’s Favorite Joke.