Future of Milpitas-Plans and Projects
Capital Improvement Program
Milpitas will preserve its close-knit community and rich cultural diversity as it moves with innovation into the future by supporting sustainable growth and development, ensuring public safety, enhancing the environment and natural landscape, and nurturing family and community connections. Large document containing plans for Milpitas’ future.
City of Milpitas Bicycle/Pedestrian & Trails Plan
The City of Milpitas is in the process of updating its Trails and Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plans. These plans will provide the City with a vision and action plan to make it safer and more convenient to walk, bike, and roll in Milpitas. Visit MilpitasPhase2.altaplanning.cloud to provide feedback! Visit the interactive map at the link above to comment on proposed recommendations for bicycling and walking in Milpitas. Your feedback will inform recommended improvements around the city and help prioritize future investments.
Milpitas Economic Development
Responsible for helping maintain and promote growth in the City of Milpitas. We move at the speed of business to help keep your project on track and on time. We also take pride in “linking opportunities for commerce and community,” helping our businesses grow and succeed, increasing our job base for residents, and improving the economic well-being and quality of life for all.
Milpitas Metro Specific Plan
The Milpitas Metro Specific Plan (formerly Transit Area Specific Plan) is a plan for the redevelopment of an approximately 437-acre area in the southern portion of the City that currently includes a number of industrial uses near the Great Mall shopping center. Based on City Council direction, the Draft Preferred Plan currently proposes redevelopment of this area with 7,109 dwelling units, 993,843 square feet of office space, 340 hotel rooms and 287,075 square feet of retail space centered around the proposed Milpitas BART station and the VTA Light Rail system. Update on October 29, 2021 in Milpitas Beat.
Milpitas Metro Specific Plan – Land Use and Density Policies
Agenda Report Attachment prepared for the City Council Meeting on January 19, 2021. This plan was originally scheduled to conclude in April 2021, however it has been extended in order to provide planning and environmental review for housing development in order to comply with RHNA and property owner interest in housing development in the Great Mall Subdistrict.
Milpitas Midtown Specific Plan
This updated Milpitas Midtown Specific Plan (2010) provides a new vision for an approximately 589-acre area of land which is currently undergoing changes related to its growing role as a housing and employment center in Silicon Valley
Milpitas Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan will provide both a long-term vision for the City’s park system, and specific policies and standards to direct day-to-day decisions. It will set forth a framework that will allow the City to respond to new opportunities as they arise, and to ensure that adequate parks, facilities and recreation programs meet the needs of the City’s future residents, employees and visitors.
New McCarthy Creekside Development
Amazon crafts leasing deal for huge Milpitas delivery hub
Hundreds could work at Amazon delivery center in Milpitas in three big industrial buildings.
707, 807, and 907 N. McCarthy Blvd.
Apple signs big industrial lease in Milpitas
Apple Inc. has signed a major lease for nearly 314,000 square feet of industrial manufacturing space at McCarthy Creekside, a brand-new, multiphase development in Milpitas, according to real estate records.
407 N. McCarthy Blvd.
SF Motors Expands its Silicon Valley Footprint with a New R&D Facility for Intelligent Electric Vehicles
Company plans new lab facility in Milpitas dedicated to prototyping and manufacturing of advanced batteries and electric powertrains:
ElectricPowertrain(EPT)Lab and NewProductIntroduction(NPI)Lab
607 N McCarthy Blvd