Power & Gas in Milpitas, California
About Power Conditions
Conservation Tips
Education for Children
Loans, Rebates, etc.
PG&E – Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Power Politics
Silicon Valley Clean Energy
About Power Conditions
Frequently asked questions about rotating outages
These outages should last between 1 to 2 hours for most customers. These are not Public Safety Power Shutoffs due to extreme fire danger, and are not related to any issues with PG&E’s equipment or its ability to deliver energy locally. [Editor: so why is power being shut off, eh, PG&E]
Enter your street address on this page to get your planned outage number. Then return to the main link to get possible time of outage.
CAL ISO’s Outlook for Today
Current and forecasted demand.
Demand trend: System demand, in megawatts, compared to the forecasted demand in 5-minute increments.
Net demand trend: System demand minus wind and solar, in 5-minute increments, compared to total system and forecasted demand.
ISO System Status
Displays current system status and active and pending market notices (Alerts, Warnings and Staged Emergency notices).
News Releases – The California ISO
We invite anyone who would like to keep up with the latest energy news to check out News Releases on a regular basis.
San Jose-based corporation, builder of natural gas power generation facilities.
Conservation Tips
14 simple ways to save energy while working from home
‘It’s important to feel comfortable in your home, especially during these tough times when we are spending more time than ever in the house. However, this doesn’t mean that your energy bills need to spiral out of control.’
Energy Saving Tips
Take your free 5 minute Home Energy Checkup today. Find out how much of your home energy goes to heating, hot water, appliances, lighting and other uses.
Flex Alert
A Flex Alert is a call for consumers to conserve electricity during heat waves when power use outstrips electricity supply and other challenging grid conditions, such as when power plants or power lines are unexpectedly unavailable making electricity deliveries difficult.
Go Solar California
This site provides consumers a “one-stop shop” for information on rebates, tax credits, and incentives for solar energy systems in California.
Education for Children
Electricity 4 Kids
I want to find out more about electricity and electronics.
Educational resources: Tools to learn and teach about energy
Learn about our energy and environmental classroom lessons. No cost!
Energy Science Smart
Order free booklets about safety around electricity and natural gas. Have fun on their E-Smart Kids site for kids.
Science Fair Experiments from Energy Kids Learn the keys to a successful science fair project and find links to energy experiments, courtesy of the National Energy Education Development Project. Get the Guide to Planning a Science Fair Project. Watch the award-winning, 15 minute, cartoon Prepare for the Science Fair.
Loans, Rebates, etc.
Energy Efficiency Financing
The California Energy Commission’s Energy Efficiency Financing Program provides financing for schools, hospitals and local governments through low-interest loans for feasibility studies and the installation of energy-efficiency measures.
Energy Star
How you can improve your home, business or school with energy-saving appliances and use.
Get discounts on your PG&E bill with the CARE Program
Qualified households receive deep discounts on their energy bills through the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program.
Go Solar California
Provides California consumers a “one-stop shop” for information on solar programs, rebates, tax credits, and information on installing and interconnecting solar electric and solar thermal systems. The site has information on program rules, including eligible equipment and standards, as well as information on how to find an eligible, licensed solar contractor.
PG&E – Pacific Gas & Electric Company
PG&E’s emergency power outage information line. Lots of good emergency links. Form for less pressing concerns.
Underground Service Alert (USA) is a free service for homeowners, excavators and professional contractors who are digging, blasting, trenching, drilling, grading, or excavating.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Milpitas gets its gas and electricity through PG&E.
For TTD/TTY — Speech/Hearing-Impaired
For Information in Spanish
For Information in Chinese
For Information in Vietnamese
Power Politics
California Energy Commission
The California Energy Commission is the state’s primary energy policy and planning agency. Created by the Legislature in 1974 and located in Sacramento, the Commission has five major responsibilities.
California ISO
The electricity picture in California is a complex interaction of many entities. This page attempts to pull together resources to help you understand and navigate the California electric market.
California Public Utilities Commission
Keep informed about how our utilities are being regulated.
Natural Gas in California
Overview of the natural gas system from the California Energy Commission.
Silicon Valley Clean Energy
Frequently Asked Questions
We provide Milpitas residential and commercial electricity customers with clean, carbon free electricity options at competitive prices, from sources like solar, wind and hydropower. We source the electricity, and PG&E delivers it over existing utility lines, and continues to do maintenance, billing and customer service. This type of model is known as Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) or Community Choice Energy (CCE).
It’s All About Choice
MILPITAS CUSTOMERS: If you received a notice that your generation service is changing to SVCE, and you want to enjoy the benefits of clean energy at competitive rates, you don’t need to do anything – you will be automatically enrolled into GreenStart beginning in June 2018.
SOLAR CUSTOMERS: Please see our rooftop solar page for more info about your enrollment schedule and Net Energy Metering choice with SVCE.