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Tag: <span>Green</span>

Saving the Earth, Milpitas Style

While the City of Milpitas may be relatively small, we are doing our best to help our planet by saving the earth in our own fashion. Here are the many ways you residents and businesses can participate in Earth Day, Earth Month, and year around in Milpitas.

GoMilpitas Produced by Sunbeams
How our small home business is getting greener every year, making GoMilpitas your one Milpitas information site that is very, very energy conscious.

Case Study: Milpitas Unified School District
Chevron Energy Solutions (CES) developed a comprehensive solar power and energy efficiency program that provides 75 percent of the district’s annual electricity needs through solar energy.

Climate Action Milpitas
Supporting the Milpitas Climate Action Plan Update
Protecting the environment and reducing our community’s climate impact continue to be a City Council and community priority. The City of Milpitas is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and ensuring the community is healthy, safe, and resilient. The City adopted its first Climate Action Plan in 2013 and is now working on a CAP Update to meet long term State and world carbon reduction and sustainability goals. Here you will find information on the CAP Update and how to get involved. You’ll also discover resources and incentives to help you adopt climate friendly actions.

Earth Month Events

Green Businesses in Milpitas Create Jobs
Check out the role that Milpitas is playing toward the goal of green energy through its green businesses.

LoopWorks Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) Project
Bringing PRT to Milpitas – and the world! Loopworks hopes the Milpitas advanced transit project will be a see, touch and ride inspiration to change the way transportation is viewed in cities across the world. It starts with a Mission to “Provide climate-friendly and easy-to-use Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) for movement around Milpitas that bypasses traffic with quick, point-to-point and fare-free rides.” Facebook page.

Silicon Valley Clean Energy
You’re one step closer to taking an action that will help change the world – with eHub.
There are so many things you can do today to make a big difference for our future. eHub has resources and tools to help you take the guesswork out of going all-electric. Use your clean energy to power your entire home, car and appliances. Save money and protect the earth.

Elaine Marshall