Ski Northern California nearest Bay Area!
Updated for the 2024-25 ski season. No, it doesn’t often snow in Milpitas, and never enough to ski, but many love to head to the Northern California slopes near Truckee, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite. Here’s our favorite nearby ski areas within about a 4-hour drive of Silicon Valley or San Francisco. If I missed one, please email me with the URL if you have it. Ski Clubs Blue Angels Next session: Winter 2025. The Blue Angels are offering our youth a ski and snowboard program. The Blue Angels ski program offers 5 Saturday ski trips to Sierra-at-Tahoe for ages 7 to 16, all ability levels. Nearest bus pickup is in Danville at 5:30am.…
Guides to Silicon Valley Civic Networks
Before Google Local, small cities relied on such guides to Silicon Valley and else where. The project was called civic networking, and GoMilpitas was one of these very early civic network sites. Many civic networks still exist, each giving a unique view of their local scene in a way Google cannot. Civic Networks: Building Community on the Net By Scott London About Civic Networking Zeise’s site is a one-woman operation that’s truly a grass-roots effort. Zeise, who believes a community guide can’t be done properly unless its creator lives in the town it covers, attends Chamber of Commerce meetings and watches city council meetings on television. by Deborah Kong, Mercury…
User Groups in Silicon Valley
Geeks love to meet up and do coding together or share their knowledge of computing devices. Join one or more users group to learn and share about your area of interest. Clubs and Places Hacker Dojo A collaborative hackerspace where tech enthusiasts gather to build, experiment and improve. Get 24/7 access to our training ground with your digital key. Work in our shared or quiet spaces, book meeting rooms, or tinker in our maker labs. 855 Maude Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 650-429-8605 Coders, Software Developers IMUG: The Original Multilingual Computing User Group The International Multilingual User Group has been a forum for GILT* professionals and language technology users since…
Calendars of Events In and Near Milpitas
Are you looking for something fun or entertaining or enlightening to do this month? Here are calendars of events from South Bay organizations that list their activities online. Milpitas Calendars ***GoMilpitas Event List*** View numerous events posted on GoMilpitas. Do you have an event you’d like to list? Either email or call our webmaster, Ann Zeise. Community members are invited to submit Milpitas non-profit events open to all in the Go Milpitas Group on Facebook. Big Dog Vineyards Select Events by month. Calendar of Wine Tasting – usually first weekend in warm-weather months – and concerts. Chamber of Commerce Parties, mixers, forums, luncheons and more. City of Milpitas Meetings Calendar…
Bay Area and Silicon Valley Magazines
Bay Area and Silicon Valley Magazines to keep you informed about business, technology, travel, garden, entertainment, and other trends. Bay Area Family Travel We will focus on a specific Bay Area locale for our monthly cover story. And in the How-to with Kidsdepartment, writers provide the essentials on how to ski with kids, camp with kids, visit museums with kids…you get the idea. Bay Area Parent Has great ideas of what is open for kids and what is not. Events calendar, articles of interest to parents. Childcare resources, plays, museums, field trip ideas. Bay Nature A quarterly magazine dedicated to the intelligent and joyful exploration of the natural places of the…
Keeping Cool at Milpitas Pools, Water Attractions, Nearby Beaches
Got a letter from one of our faithful readers suggesting I hurry up and get a feature up on how to keep cool in or near Milpitas when the next heat wave hits. Suggestions here will range from where to find pools, walk along a beach, or find a ice cream treat. I welcome suggestions for additions to this page at any time. A reminder: in hot weather check on elderly or infirm relatives and neighbors. My mother’s air conditioning failed, and she almost couldn’t think clearly enough to get herself to a cool, safe spot. If you have screened windows, let the cold air in at night, then in…
Population Growth of Milpitas From 2023-2024
Milpitas has been growing at an unprecedented rate compared to other Santa Clara County Cites. We’ve been growing faster than all but one other nearby cities. The population estimate for Milpitas in 2024 is 81,773 people. Milpitas is the 117th largest city in California. It is a little smaller than Mountain View, and a little larger than Palo Alto. More people moved into Milpitas in the last year. We gained 0.17% of our previous population, 138 people. This report provides revised population estimates as of January 1, 2023, and provisional population estimates as of January 1, 2024, for the state, counties, and cities and includes a calculation of annual percent change. These…
Roads & Highways
Find out about road construction plans and delays. Learn what government agencies control these highways. And to relax, enjoy these scenic drives starting in Milpitas, and wandering through our hillsides on backroads. What is Milpitas known for? Milpitas is often called the “Crossroads of Silicon Valley” with most of its 13.63 square miles of land situated between two major freeways (I-880 and I-680), State Route 237, and a County expressway. How far is Milpitas from San Francisco? The distance between Milpitas and San Francisco is 37 miles. The road distance is 45.9 miles, unless you have a boat to sail between Alviso and San Francisco. Construction Governmental Agencies Scenic Drives…
Train Rides in Northern California
Trains nearby to just ride for dinner and the scenery. Some historic trains take you back in time. Some still require masking, so be sure to have yours along with you. Dinner Trains Napa Valley Wine Train The Napa Valley Wine Train takes you on a 36-mile round-trip discovery to St. Helena and back, stopping at celebrated wineries along the way. But it’s more than a train. It’s a luxuriously vintage setting. A lush, mesmerizing landscape. A divine four-course meal. Exclusive insider winery tours. An intimate shared experience. River Fox Train A local, family-owned business dedicated to preserving a piece of Northern California history, and providing a wide variety of…
Places of Worship
More than 350 community members attended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Silicon Valley’s community iftar on June 10, 2017 at Bait-ul-Baseer Mosque in Milpitas. Photo courtesy of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Silicon Valley Some of these may also be groups focus on spiritual awareness, more than worship. Listed alphabetically by religion, then site. While most are in Milpitas, some places of worship are not available in Milpitas for adherents, so I have list the nearest places where Milpitas worshippers tend to go within about 20-30 minutes of city center. Most hold services on Sundays unless otherwise noted. Check sites for up-to-date and detailed information. Many places of worship are continuing to…