• Travel & Transportation

    Milpitas Hotels

    Embassy Suites Hotel in Milpitas CA

    Finding hotels, motels, or extended stay accommodations in or near Milpitas couldn’t be easier! Look for discounted hotel rates, room availability and reserve right here. Near Fremont Marriott Residence Inn 1501 California Circle This hotel features mini-apartment-like suites for long stays. (408) 941-9222 South Side Near 880, Montague Expy, south McCarthy Blvd. and San Jose Element San Jose Milpitas 521 Alder Drive The brand is a standout in the extended-stay segment with bright modern design, eco-conscious standards and an innovative guest experience that resonates with today’s traveler. (408) 435-9910 Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Has an atmosphere of a comfortable “home away from home” … with an award winning chef on…

  • Housing

    Real Estate-Homes in Milpitas

    New Milpitas Homes

    Buy or sell your home in Milpitas or Silicon Valley, California, with help from our friendly realtors and these real estate listings. Start looking for a new place to live in the southeast end of Milpitas, then work your way north along the eastern edge of town, east of I-680. The northwest corner of Milpitas is too close to the dump, and very bad odors permeate the air there when the compost is turned, or the breezes come off the Bay across the dump. The southwest corner of Milpitas is close to the new BART station and the light rail and buses at the Great Mall. So if you’ll be…

  • Housing

    Rentals & Rent Assistance – Apartments & Homes in Milpitas, CA

    Rentals-Apartments, Homes

    As home prices soar, those with new employment often seek rental apartments, condos, or homes in Milpitas, where, though still fairly high, are often as nice as far more expensive housing on the west side of Silicon Valley. Available Rentals COVID-19 Assistance Programs Dispute Resolution Low Income Apartments in Milpitas Senior Housing COVID-19 Assistance Programs Santa Clara County Financial Assistance Program City of Milpitas Rent Relief Program Santa Clara County Ban on Residential and Small Business Evictions The State of California legislature has enacted, and the Governor has signed, two state laws, Assembly Bill No. 3088, which took effect on August 31, 2020, and Senate Bill No. 91, which took…

  • Housing

    Affordable Housing

    affordable housing

    What is the Problem? Affordable housing in Milpitas, Santa Clara County, CA. Programs for first time buyers, teachers, and seniors looking for low cost, below market rate (BMR) housing. HUD Community Programs There are many ways for you to get involved in your community – but first, you need to become an informed citizen. Find out what kinds of funds and opportunities are available for communities. Learn the facts about your community. And let your local government know what you think. SV@Home SV@Home is uniquely positioned to advocate for housing solutions. The voice for affordable housing in the Silicon Valley. A membership organization, SV@Home advocates for policies, programs, land use,…

  • Travel & Transportation

    McCarthy Ranch Hotels

    McCathy Ranch arching sign

    Hilton Garden Inn and Larkspur Landing hotels are located in the McCarthy Ranch shopping center, and near many favorite restaurants. Hilton Garden Inn When tomorrow’s a big day, stay HGI tonight. Make your online reservation here. 30 Ranch Drive 408-719-1313 Larkspur Landing Upscale suites for extended-stay visitors to Milpitas. 40 Ranch Dr. 408-719-1212 McCarthy Ranch Marketplace McCarthy Blvd. Banking & Investing Clothing and Footwear Electronics Health and Beauty Home Furnishings and Crafts Hotels Major Stores Restaurants

  • About Milpitas,  Public Resources

    Prepare for a Fire or Earthquake Emergency

    emergency kit

    I will try to be as specific here to Milpitas residents as possible about how to prepare for emergencies such as wild fires, earthquakes, and sometimes floods. The preparation for all three are the same, but you will get more warning for some than others. Home-Selection Day to Day Tips Make a 72-hour Survival Kit in Advance 3 Kits Are Better Than 1 Prepare for your Babies and Kids Remember to Prepare for Your Pets Where to Flee Home Selection Buy or rent in areas generally far from the wild lands of the east hills. Every section of those hills have had a fire at one time or another, though…

  • Public Resources

    Power & Gas in Milpitas, California

    About Power Conditions Calpine Conservation Tips Education for Children Loans, Rebates, etc. PG&E – Pacific Gas & Electric Company Power Politics Silicon Valley Clean Energy About Power Conditions Frequently asked questions about rotating outages These outages should last between 1 to 2 hours for most customers. These are not Public Safety Power Shutoffs due to extreme fire danger, and are not related to any issues with PG&E’s equipment or its ability to deliver energy locally. [Editor: so why is power being shut off, eh, PG&E] Enter your street address on this page to get your planned outage number. Then return to the main link to get possible time of outage.…

  • Housing

    Foreclosure Information & How to Avoid

    If you’re having trouble paying your mortgage, learn about the steps you can take to avoid foreclosure or minimize your debt after it happens. Financial Stability.gov Learn About the Making Home Affordable Refinance and Modification Options. The President’s plan was created to help millions of homeowners refinance or modify their mortgages. Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams – Help Is Free! Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling HUD-approved housing counseling agencies are available to provide you with the information and assistance you need to avoid foreclosure. Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure Whether you’re in foreclosure now or worried about it in the future, HUD has information that can help. Homeownership Preservation Foundation 888-995-HOPE hotline. We…

  • About Milpitas


    Santa Clara County Earthquake Hazard

    California earthquake faults and recent earthquakes, and how they affect Milpitas, San Jose, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Did You Feel It? This is a U.S. Geological Survey project to collect information about ground shaking following significant earthquakes. Following an earthquake, please tell us what you felt by filling out the questionnaire for the appropriate earthquake. Best site to find information about a very recent earthquake. Advice Earthquake Information Earthquakes Recently History Kids Earthquake Links Maps Public Seismic Networks Advice Are you ready for an earthquake? The next time disaster strikes, you may not have much time to act. Prepare now for a sudden emergency. Learn how to protect…

  • Travel & Transportation

    Air Travel

    SJC Hands

    How to get to Milpitas and how to leave it via air travel. Most use SJC out of San Jose, as the closest airport to Milpitas. Airlines Airlines at the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose Airport Page with the links to each airline, where you can find flight information. Airplane Manufacturers RnR Products Our all composite miniature aircraft have flown the world including the first UAV to cross the Atlantic non-stop! 1120 Wrigley Way, 408-946-4751. Airports Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport Located five miles southwest of Milpitas, San Jose International Airport (SJC) is the closest air service for visitors to travel to and from Milpitas. Airlines and Flights…