Real Estate-Homes in Milpitas
Buy or sell your home in Milpitas or Silicon Valley, California, with help from our friendly realtors and these real estate listings.
Start looking for a new place to live in the southeast end of Milpitas, then work your way north along the eastern edge of town, east of I-680. The northwest corner of Milpitas is too close to the dump, and very bad odors permeate the air there when the compost is turned, or the breezes come off the Bay across the dump. The southwest corner of Milpitas is close to the new BART station and the light rail and buses at the Great Mall. So if you’ll be commuting to Apple or Google or even San Francisco, that area would be ideal. The quadrants of Milpitas are generally defined by Calaveras Blvd. and Milpitas Blvd.
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Click on our Education category here to find out about our local schools. School boundaries can change, but tend to be fairly consistent. If you move here mid-school year, and your neighborhood school is impacted, your children may be assigned to another school.
Milpitas Development near BART – Dec 29, 2018
Housing News
State requires Milpitas to double housing production
Milpitas Beat. By Grace Hase, May 25, 2021. After falling behind on its state-mandated housing goals, the city of Milpitas will need to permit more units than ever before in the coming years. Preliminary numbers from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) suggest the Silicon Valley suburb will need to approve 6,713 homes –– 2,655 of them affordable –– between 2023 and 2031.
California Association of Realtors – Legal Information
News about changes to real estate laws, help for home owners, etc.
Real Estate Law
Nolo Press has advice on your legal rights when buying or selling a home. Site also includes your rights and responsibilities as a good neighbor, say, regarding noise, trees and fences.
Agents ~ Milpitas Realtors
Annalyn Artadi
I Heart Real Estate Team.
1794 Clear Lake Ave.
Tina Broyles
Tina Broyles is a California Bay Area Resident serving the Real Estate community since 1987.
Debbie Giordano
Broker associate of Master Brokers
1916 Grand Teton Dr.
Hussein Issack
Intero. Young agent who has lived here some time. Facebook.
200 Sierra Way #44
Malik Husain
Husain Team’s pledge is to provide you with sound real estate advice, helping you to understand the strategies of decision making and the future implications of the decisions you make. Intero Real Estate Services
848 N Hillview Dr.
Platinum Realty Group
Kelly Yip, Broker/BranchManager, 408-482-1755
Victor San Vicente, Real Estate Broker & Loan Consultant, 408-718-8218
500 E Calaveras Blvd. #200
Spenser Hsu
Call / Text: (408) 547- 4590
California Association of Realtors
Information for consumers as well as professional services for realtors.
Santa Clara County Association of Realtors
Exists to meet the business, professional and political needs of Real Estate Professionals and to protect private property rights.
Cost of Living Calculator
Cost of Living scores and indexes are a way to compare the overall price of goods and services between different areas of the United States. The national average is 100, so when you look at a place’s COL Index you can instantly see how much more or less you’ll have to pay to live there.
Devcon Construction
Devcon is capable of building very large commercial and industrial buildings. For example, they built McCarthy Ranch.
690 Gibraltar Drive
Parkside at Tarob Court
Parkside at Tarob Court offers impressive townhomes conveniently located near major employers, future parks, the Milpitas BART Station and the VTA Light Rail. Built by Toll Brothers.
523 Lundy Pl.
SCS Development
Style, vision and life connect in our unique collections of apartment homes.
THE EDGE, 844-427-0173
AMALFI, 855-291-1872
Home Sales Activity
Milpitas Home Sales Trends
The following chart shows median and average price trends plus sales. The chart uses a 12-month moving average to eliminate any seasonal variation.
Real Estate Transactions
Check out what homes have recently sold in Milpitas. From the Mercury News.
Homes for sale in Milpitas, California.
Bay Area News Group with listings of available housing. Use your browser’s “FIND” command to look for “Milpitas.”
California Living Network
C.A.R. has teamed up with RealSelect and N.A.R. to offer California consumers the most comprehensive real estate site on the Internet.
Coldwell Banker
Search for homes in Milpitas, or get advice on buying or selling real estate.
Commercial Real Estate Search Tool
Find commercial property to lease or buy in Milpitas.
Provides Milpitas, California real estate information and resources to guide homeowners and homebuyers through the process of selling and buying a house, condo or other property in Milpitas, CA.
Home Finder – Milpitas
Shows listings for property and homes in our area code.
Homes & Land Publishing
Online version of that give-away magazine, specific to Milpitas.
New Homes Magazine
Established in 1967, New Homes has pioneered print and electronic real estate information publishing by providing homebuyers with detailed information on home builders and new home communities throughout Northern California.
California Mortgage Rates
Presented by Zillow.
Property Search – Real Property
Currently, the County Assessor’s Office allows residents to view, free of charge, basic information about properties in Santa Clara County such as assessed value, assessor’s parcel number (APN), document number, property address and other information.