• Public Resources

    Recycling & Garbage

    I’m Appalled by What I Learned About Recycling. But We Can Fix It.Don’t let your garbage go to the dump. Recycle it! About Bills & Rates Bottle Bills & Other Reform Compostable Garbage Computer and e-Waste Recycling We No Longer Have Dump Days. but… Hazardous Wastes Looking for Recycled Materials? Recycling Waste Management Garbage not picked up as expected? Call 408-988-4500 Milpitas Recycling & Garbage Services Residents and Business Representatives, please contact Milpitas Sanitation Customer Service at (408) 988-4500 from Monday – Friday, between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., or via email at info@MilpitasSanitation.com, with all of your recycling and garbage service questions.  If you have any further questions, please…

  • Public Resources

    Telephone Service in Milpitas

    How to stop telemarketers and Robocalls.

    Telephone Area Codes in Milpitas, CA, are 408 and 669 Emergency 408-263-1212 – Program this number in your cell phones. Goes to our local dispatch. 911 goes to Vallejo where calling number linked to an address, so use from home or business phones. For all other non-emergency questions about police or fire services, call their business numbers: 408-586-2400 for Milpitas Police 408-586-2800 for Milpitas Fire What I do to avoid telemarketers For my land line, I have bought this phone system at Staples for about $100: AT&T 2-Handset Cordless/Corded Telephone, Silver/Black (CL84207) with Answering System & Smart Call Blocker, Silver/Black with 2 Handsets. Its built-in software blocks telemarketing calls, but…

  • Media

    Television Stations with Local Shows

    Select a video

    This page has been updated to include the TV Guide for upcoming streaming TV. Consider watching favorite television stations right from their websites. TV Guide Get recommendations across all your streaming services and live TV Find out what is coming soon. 2 – KTVU 2 – Sports Your link for Stanford and 49er schedules, scores, discussion groups, interviews. 4 – KRON 4 – (NBC) News KRON offers news and links to San Francisco events, sports, traffic and weather. 5 – KPIX 5 – (CBS) News Here are breaking Bay Area News Stories that may be featured in tonight’s TV newscast. 7 – KGO 7 – (ABC) News Tickertape news, sports…

  • Public Resources

    Water – Safety & Sources in Milpitas

    Don't Take Water For Granted Amina Ahmad, a sixth-grader at Marshall Pomeroy Elementary School, was a winner in the Bay Area Water Users Association Water Awareness Poster Contest. Her poster is featured in the association's 2001 calendar.

    Origins of Milpitas water and where it goes later: creek maps, waste water, urban runoff, water quality. How you can help conserve our precious water. The City purchases and distributes water from Valley Water treatment plants, as well as from San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). Before making its way to your tap, your drinking water is treated and tested to ensure its safety. Valley Water and SFPUC are ensuring the water supplied to the City is of the highest possible quality meeting or exceeding all federal and state drinking water standards. Water Conservation The City of Milpitas has several programs to help residents and businesses with saving water to…

  • Public Resources

    Power & Gas in Milpitas, California

    About Power Conditions Calpine Conservation Tips Education for Children Loans, Rebates, etc. PG&E – Pacific Gas & Electric Company Power Politics Silicon Valley Clean Energy About Power Conditions Frequently asked questions about rotating outages These outages should last between 1 to 2 hours for most customers. These are not Public Safety Power Shutoffs due to extreme fire danger, and are not related to any issues with PG&E’s equipment or its ability to deliver energy locally. [Editor: so why is power being shut off, eh, PG&E] Enter your street address on this page to get your planned outage number. Then return to the main link to get possible time of outage.…

  • Community Matters

    Utility Scam Alert

    Scam Alert

    Milpitas Citizens Online Police Reporting System This is not an Emergency? This incident occurred within the Milpitas City limits? There are No Known suspects? This did not occur on a State Freeway? Crime Tip Hotline To report crimes anonymously to the Milpitas Police: Call 408-586-2500 or click the link above to report online. Milpitas Youth Crime Activity Lead Line Reward of $100 if report leads to an arrest: (866) 276 5463 Milpitas Police Department 1275 North Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, California 95035 408-586-2400 Contacting Milpitas Police Crime Tip Line – 408-586-2500 Neighborhood Watch Info – 408-586-2525

  • High Tech

    GoMilpitas Produced by Sunbeams

    GoMilpitas is one of many green businesses in Milpitas

    I am excited to announce that GoMilpitas.com of Milpitas, CA, is now being produced using sunbeams. Our carbon footprint has just become considerably smaller as electricity for our computing and other household and business use will be considerably generated by two sets of 8 solar panels: one shown on the south-facing roof in the photo above, and a second set of 8 on the second story west-facing roof. In 2018 we added some more efficient solar panels on our garage roof. The salesman and the installation crew from REC Solar did a wonderful job Thursday and Friday, April 17-18, 2008. The City building inspection was on the following Monday, and PG&E also…

  • Public Resources

    Telephone Numbers for City of Milpitas

    City Government Phone Directory 455 East Calaveras Boulevard Milpitas, California 95035 Tel: 408-586-3000 Fax: 408-586-3056 Telephone numbers for City of Milpitas government contacts, services and information. Services & Information Phone (408) Abandoned Vehicles 408-586-2400 Animals – Dead animal pickup on streets 408-586-2600 Athletic Facilities – field prep, lighting 408-586-2661 Building Inspection Requests 408-586-2797 Building Permits, Building & Safety 408-586-3240 Business License 408-586-3100 City Hall General Information 408-586-3000 City Attorney 408-586-3041 City Clerk 408-586-3001 City Manager 408-586-3051 Code Enforcement 408-586-3279 Community Center/Recreation 408-586-3210 Council Agenda HOTLINE 408-586-3010 Council Office 408-586-3026 Crime Tip Line 408-586-2500 Disaster Preparedness 408-586-2810 Dump 408-432-0444 Earthquake Safety Information 408-586-2810 Economic Development 408-586-3052 Emergencies – Fire, Police, Paramedics…

  • Jokes

    Litter Problem Solved

    A Milpitas Mom’s Favorite Joke. A few years ago, the City of Milpitas had a litter problem. A once-clean section of town had become an eyesore because people had stopped using the trash cans. There were cigarette butts, beer bottles, chocolate wrappers, newspapers and other trash littering the streets. Obviously, the sanitation department was concerned, so they sought ways to clean up the city. One idea was to double the littering fine from 25 dollars to 50 dollars for each offense. They tried this, but it had little effect. Another approach was to increase the number of litter-agents who patrolled the area. This was more of the same, that is,…