Local solutions to domestic violence. If you, a loved one, or a co-worker are suffering through domestic violence, we list here resources in or near Milpitas where you can get help.
Milpitas Police Department
1275 North Milpitas Blvd.,
Milpitas, California 95035
Main Phone: 408-586-2400
Contacting Milpitas Police
Crime Tip Line – 408-586-2500
Neighborhood Watch Info – 408-586-2525
Are You Safe In Your Relationship?
You do not deserve to be hurt. Nothing you say or do causes your partner to hurt you. We all get angry sometimes, but when we do, we all have choices. We can choose to express ourselves in healthy ways. Or we can be irresponsible and choose to hurt someone else – which is not healthy.
Office of Gender-Based Violence Prevention
Part of the County Executive Division of Equity and Social Justice. As a policy office, we address issues related to preventing Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Human Trafficking in Santa Clara County.
Intimate Partner Violence During Covid-19
Domestic violence has increased during stay-at-home restrictions during Covid-19.
Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence
24-Hour Hotline: 408-279-2962. We provide innovative prevention and intervention services to all families in Santa Clara County. About 18 minutes from Milpitas City Hall.
234 E Gish Rd #200
San Jose, CA 95112
Shelters in or near Milpitas, CA
Welcome to our Milpitas, California page. We provide listings of: women’s shelters, family shelters, transitional housing, residential treatment centers and other residential services for women. Many shelters also provide services such as alcohol and drug rehab treatment along with clinics, and best of all supportive housing options.
Support Network for Battered Women
The mission of the YWCA Support Network is to empower our diverse community to live free from domestic violence. Our vision is to end domestic violence, one family at the time. We look forward to the day that we are able to close our doors because no one in our community will have to fear harm from her/his intimate partner. Toll-free 24 hour crisis line in Santa Clara County: 1-800-572-2782.
Women’s Rights Handbook
Prepared by the Office of the Attorney General as a summary of women’s rights in important areas such as employment, economic independence, education, housing, health care, domestic relations, violent crimes and child care. It also provides other valuable information related to those rights. There is, for example, a section on crimes of violence against women and children, and where victims can get help.
Additional Links
Asian Women’s Home – 408-975-2739 – Santa Clara County’s largest community-based organization focused on the Asian American community. Their programs continue to grow and improve to provide culturally appropriate and linguistically accessible services.
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence
The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence is a catalyst and advocate for social change through innovative solutions to ensure safety and justice for victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children.
Child Abuse
This website is intended to assist affiliated healthcare personnel of Stanford University Medical Center with questions about recognition and management of suspected child abuse.
Child Abuse Council
The mission of the Child Abuse Council of Santa Clara County is to protect children from abuse and neglect by their parents and caregivers, and from the systems designed to protect them.
Community Solutions
408-842-7138 – We provide a comprehensive spectrum of prevention, intervention, treatment, residential and housing services to the communities of South Santa Clara County, South San Jose and San Benito County.
Domestic Abuse
This website is intended to assist affiliated healthcare professionals of Stanford University Medical Center with questions about possible management of patient and co-worker domestic abuse and violence.
Elder Abuse
This website is intended to assist affiliated healthcare professional of Stanford University Medical Center with questions and management about suspected elder and dependent adult abuse.
Family & Children Services
Since 1948, Family & Children Services has provided health and human services to children, teens, adults, and families in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. Our mission is to build strong, safe, and self-sufficient individuals, families, and communities.
First Strike: The Connection Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence
The First Strike® campaign was created in 1997 to raise public and professional awareness about the connection between animal cruelty and other violent crime violence and to help communities identify some of the origins of violence, predict its patterns, and prevent its escalation.
Institute for Collaborative Response
Through participation in this Institute, students will receive specialized training in collaborative practice and service delivery, and on the effects of family violence, system’s response and awareness of victims’ rights.
Maitri – Helping Women Help Themselves
888-8-MAITRI – Our organization is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, that primarily helps families from South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka among others) facing domestic violence, emotional abuse, cultural alienation, human trafficking or family conflict.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Through its key initiatives and special projects, NRCDV works to improve community response to domestic violence and, ultimately, prevent its occurrence.
National Network to End Domestic Violence
Dedicated to creating a social, political and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists.
New National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
A 24-hour national web-based and telephone helpline created to help teens (ages 13-18) experiencing dating abuse. It is the only helpline in the country serving all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Call 1-800-799-7233, Chat or text. (Text “START” to 88788 to 1-800-799-7233.)
Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence
408-279-2962 – Next Door’s programs and services are free-of-charge and designed to empower victims and their families. With a short-term goal to provide safety and a long-term aim to prevent abuse, Next Door’s programs and services include Victim Advocacy, Shelter & Housing, Support Groups, and Children & Youth programs.
Pro Bono Project
The Pro Bono Project provides quality, caring representation to clients with limited means. Our volunteer attorneys make the courts and the protection of the laws accessible to the most vulnerable members of our community.
SV Faces – Victim Witness Assistance Program
Crime victims may experience problems and disruptions that require special attention and support. The Victim Witness Assistance Program was created to assure that every possible benefit, service and courtesy is made available to crime victims and witnesses.
Office of Women’s Policy
Committed to ensuring that County policies and programs are gender-responsive and meet the needs of women and girls. We work to improve outcomes, increase access, and promote self-determination of people who identify as women.
Vine Link (Victim Information and Notification Everyday)
VINELink is the online version of VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday), the National Victim Notification Network. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day.
YWCA – Support Network for Battered Women
800-572-2782 – Our services include a 24-hour toll-free crisis line, an emergency shelter, counseling, information and referrals, support groups, safety planning, legal services and community education presentations.