Intercity Trains
Check here for reservations, trains and destinations, special savings and promotions, plan your trip, and more.
Altamont Commuter Express
On ACE, you can sip coffee, read the paper or work on your laptop during your commute. There’s a place to store your bike, a table to spread out paperwork, and clean, accessible bathrooms can’t find those in a car! Weekday Schedule. View train status alerts or have them sent by text message.
Caltrain: Local and Baby Bullet Trains at San Jose Diridon
Baby Bullet
From the San Francisco to the San Jose terminals, travel time will be cut from an hour and 36 minutes on a local train to just 57 minutes on the Baby Bullet.
VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension Opening Ceremony
BART – Bay Area Rapid Transit
General information, schedules, phone numbers, fares, maps, connections. Handy site. Line schedules.
BART Map Includes Milpitas
The Milpitas and Berryessa BART stations are getting ready for business, with sights set on June 2020 for the official opening date.
BART Silicon Valley Extension
An extension of the existing BART system to San Jose, Milpitas and Santa Clara. This project will extend the current system 16 miles along the existng Union Pacific Railroad corridor south of the future Warm Springs Station in Fremont.
BayRail Alliance
An all volunteer transit consumer group working to realize a regional rail system that will ring the San Francisco Bay Area.
Select where you start and end your journey, enter time range. Next page gives you fare, length and duration of your trip, info about the stations. Find out about service to Giants games.
Capitol Corridor Intercity Rail Service
Eighteen train trips daily supported by connecting feeder bus services serve 172-mile rail corridor, which includes stops in Auburn, Rocklin, Roseville, Sacramento, Davis, Suisun City-Fairfield, Martinez, Richmond, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, Hayward, Fremont-Centerville, Santa Clara-Great America; and San Jose.