Roads & Highways
Find out about road construction plans and delays. Learn what government agencies control these highways. And to relax, enjoy these scenic drives starting in Milpitas, and wandering through our hillsides on backroads.
What is Milpitas known for?
Milpitas is often called the “Crossroads of Silicon Valley” with most of its 13.63 square miles of land situated between two major freeways (I-880 and I-680), State Route 237, and a County expressway.
How far is Milpitas from San Francisco?
The distance between Milpitas and San Francisco is 37 miles. The road distance is 45.9 miles, unless you have a boat to sail between Alviso and San Francisco.
Governmental Agencies
Scenic Drives
Calaveras Overpass
The Calaveras Overpass is built to meet the present and growing traffic loads of a progressive city. [They thought!]
Montague Expressway Widening
This project widened Montague Expressway to provide for eight through lanes (three through plus one HOV lane in each direction), with bike use shoulders and improved pedestrian sidewalks from Falcon Drive to Pecten Court (approximately 0.8 miles) including replacement of the double-box culvert crossing of Berryessa Creek with a bridge structure.
VTA Montague Expressway Pedestrian Overcrossing
An incredible project RockViewVideo filmed in Milpitas to chronicle the lift & placement of a huge pedestrian overcrossing above Montague Expressway adjacent to the Milpitas BART Station, July 10-12, 2020.
- Milpitas Community-Based Transportation Plan
- New Sidewalk and Curb Ramp Request
- Traffic Volume Map
- Transportation Overload Permit
Please print Overload Permit and FAX it to: (408) 586-2488 - Truck Route Map
- For more information, please contact the Commercial Enforcement Officer at 586-2400
Filing a claim against Caltrans
Did you get a nail in your tire in a highway construction zone? Here’s information and the form for filing a claim.
Governmental Agencies
California Department of Transportations, District 4 (includes Santa Clara County). Lots of local information and pictures about Bay Area Bridges.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Regional planning group for our highways here in Silicon Valley and around the Bay.
Scenic Drives
Bay Area Backroads
Go “day tripping” to places near and far. KRON TV offers hundreds of ideas in the South Bay Area and further away.
Calaveras Road to Sunol
Calaveras Road varies from 2 lanes in Milpitas and the 84/680 end in Fremont down to 1 lane in the middle. The south half was recently repaved from Milpitas to the Alameda County line, about 2/3 of the entire ride.
Calaveras – Sierra Rd Loop
Scenic drive in the snowy mountains east of Milpitas and San Jose, California.
California Roadside Rest Areas
Plan your rest stops in rural areas.
Main Street History Tour
Joann Souza narrates a tour of Main Street telling about the historic buildings and sites along the way.
Mt. Hamilton Road
Take this mountain road between Alum Rock and Patterson. Do fill up your thirsty steed because if you decide to continue east down the other side of the mountain, it will be another 70 miles to the next gas station. Very windy and steep. Not for the faint-hearted.
Santa Cruz Mountains Roads
A lovely drive is the one through the redwoods from Woodside, over to the coast, down to Santa Cruz, and back over Rt. 9 through Boulder Creek and Big Basin State Park to Saratoga.