“A” Directory of Milpitas
Abortion Providers Near Milpitas
Is abortion legal in Milpitas and nearby Santa Clara County cities?
Yes, but abortion clinics are not available in each city. Milpitas just happens not to have one, but there are three nearby.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Health, Women
Adopt a Pet
When considering the addition of an animal into your life, we encourage you to think seriously about the time and commitment involved. All animals need love, understanding, and patience – especially as they are adjusting to their new home.
Adult Education, Community Colleges
From community colleges to university extension classes, private adult career training, too.
Adult Education, Learn, Schools.
How to advertise on this site and support your community website.
Affordable Housing
From homelss shelters to grants and loans and discounted housing, organizations that help build affordable housing in Milpitas and Silicon Valley.
Covid-19, Government, Homes, Living in Milpitas, Real Estate, Seniors, Stay.
Air Travel
Tickets, airlines, airports, van service, civic planning, traveler’s information and shopping.
Around Milpitas, Nearby, Stay.
Alumni Groups & Reunion Plans
A number of classes from Milpitas High School and Ayer High School have virtual and real reunions.
History of Milpitas, Play, Schools.
Amusement Parks
Great America, Kelly Park, The Santa Clara County Fair, Santa Cruz Boardwalk, and Six Flags Marine World.
Nearby, Play, Trains.
Animals & Pets
Resources from Milpitas businesses on keeping your pet healthy and happy, find dog-friendly place, ride a horse, share a pet story.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Government, Learn, Play.
Art Clubs and Associations in Milpitas
Milpitans enjoy art in many ways. Come to a gallery to view our art, take a class to learn an art form, or join an art club to share tips.
Learn, Living in Milpitas, Play, Visit
Art in Milpitas
Arts, Literature, Museums and the Visual Arts.
Asian Restaurants
Milpitas, CA, Asian restaurants – Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese – with menus, and nutritional information.
Around Milpitas, Restaurants, Visit.
Auto & Truck Service and Repair Shops in Milpitas
The Minnis Circle, Milpitas, auto service shops all cooperate with one another, so, say, you need some mechanical work, a smog test, and wheel alignment, they will shuffle the car between the service shops. You pay for all where you pick the vehicle up.
Around Milpitas, Living in Milpitas, Shop.