“C” Directory of Milpitas
Calaveras – Sierra Rd Loop
Scenic drive in the snowy mountains east of Milpitas and San Jose, California.
Around Milpitas, Covid-19, Living in Milpitas, Play, Visit.
Calendar of Events
Comprehensive calendar of fun things to do and meetings to attend in Milpitas. Events may be entered by registered site members.
Calendars of Events in and Near Milpitas
For Milpitas, Silicon Valley and Bay Area groups that hold events or meetings nearby.
Around Milpitas, Covid-19, Living in Milpitas, Nearby, Play, Visit.
California Community Networks
There are a good number of free and low cost community networks in California.
Around Milpitas, Nearby, Play, Shop, Visit.
California Recipes
These California recipes are made from fruits and vegetables that can be found in local gardens and farms. Some are found in local restaurants.
Gardening, Get Vitality in Milpitas, Restaurants.
Camera Club
Photographer Kaz has organized local photography enthusiasts interested in meeting monthly or more often to share photography tips and occassionally go on photographic field trips.
Around Milpitas, Covid-19, Learn, Non-Profits, Play.
Find out who is running for mayor, city council and school board in the next local election in Milpitas.
Around Milpitas, Government, Living in Milpitas, Vote.
Career Moves
Milpitas companies with career opportunities.
Living in Milpitas, Work.
Career Tips
Resume and interview advice, job fairs and resume databases.
Men, Nearby, Women, Work.
Resources for your pampered pussy, or what to do with that feral cat.
Animals, Pets.
Catholic Schools
Parochial schools in and near Milpitas, CA.
Religion, Schools.
Photo essays of events, celebrations and seasonal activities from your Go Milpitas guide.
Census Data
Hard facts about our population, history and trends.
Chamber holds first in-person mixer at Outback since Covid Shutdown
Photo essay. July 15, 2021. We had to show proof of vaccination against COVID, but then we were free to mix and enjoy spare ribs and fries, and drinks of our choices.
About, Around Milpitas, Great Mall, Living in Milpitas, Milpitas Chamber, Play, Work.
Charities see~ Organizations and Charitable Groups in Milpitas
Get involved with one or more of these community organizations.
Around Milpitas, Covid-19, Men, Play, Women.
Cheapest Gas and Station Locations in Milpitas
Locate the least expensive, cheapest gas stations to fill up your tank in Milpitas. Widget updated several times a day.
Cars, Living in Milpitas, Shop, Visit.
Childcare – see Pre-Schools and Daycare
Quality childcare for the littlest citizens of Milpitas.
Children, Schools.
Children’s Apparel – Great Mall
Shop for children’s clothes at the virtual Great Mall.
Children, Great Mall, Shop.
Chinese Food ~ see Asian Restaurants
Milpitas, CA, Asian restaurants – Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese – with menus, and nutritional information.
Around Milpitas, Restaurants, Visit.
Chiropractic Services ~ see Muscular / Skeletal Clinics
Doctors, chiropractors, sports therapists, and massage therapists to help with your muscle and skeletal health problems.
Get Vitality in Milpitas, Medical.
Christian Schools – see Protestant Schools or Catholic Schools
We have a number of schools focusing on a variety of Christian beliefs.
Religion, Schools.
Churches – see Places of Worship
We’re a diverse community with a wide variety of religious practices.
Around Milpitas, Covid-19, Living in Milpitas, Nearby, Religion.
City Guides Hope Net Users Will See the Sites
“Local commerce is certainly a burgeoning market. . . . Whoever can get the local commerce market onto the Internet is someone who’s going to make a lot of money in the long run,” said Yankee Group analyst Emily Meehan.
Around Milpitas, Nearby, Play, Shop, Visit.
City Government Phone Directory
Telephone numbers for City of Milpitas government contacts, services and information.
Government, Living in Milpitas, Utilities.
City Hall Opening, October 20, 2002
Photos from Dedication Day. Lots of your friends and mine. Didn’t we have a grand time?
Clean Air Incentives in Milpitas and California
Search clean air incentives by your zipcode (95035) and you may find even more programs that will save you money.
Cars, Government.
Fashions for men, women and children. Dry cleaning establishments.
Black-owned, Clothing, Covid-19, Shop, Woman Owned.
Coffee & Tea Shops
Places to get that special cup of espresso, chai, coffees, and teas – or order online for your own stash.
Food, Restaurants, Visit.
Milpitas companies provide a lot of the equipment for the telecommunications industry.
Electronics, Internet, Work.
Community Center – Milpitas Community Center
A large hall with a stage and several meeting and activity rooms make up the lively Milpitas Community Center.
Covid-19, Kids’ Clubs, Play.
Community Colleges, Adult Education
From community colleges to university extension classes, private adult career training, too.
Adult Education, Learn, Schools.
Community Library
The Milpitas Community Library is a tremendously popular resource.
Children, Covid-19, Learn, Play.
Community Organizations – see Organizations
Get involved with one or more of these community organizations.
Around Milpitas, Covid-19, Men, Play, Women.
Community Services
How and where to get grants, funding, project support and other community resources.
Children, Covid-19, Living in Milpitas, Non-Profits, Women.
Computer History
Liza Loop showing me the first Apple computer that Wozniak personally gave to her. It was kept in Milpitas for many years until the Sobrato Center kicked out the little museum.
History of Milpitas, Internet, Learn.
Computers see Manufacturing & Design Companies in Milpitas
From powerful workstations to notebooks, and the controllers that make them all work. We make ’em.
Electronics, Internet, Work.
Computer and e-Waste Recycling in & Near Milpitas, CA
Recycling e-waste is a bit of a project: first you need to remove all personal data from the devices, and then you need to find a place that will accept both the type of electronic device and the quantity you wish to recycle, and preferably locally.
Around Milpitas, Business, Electronics, Legal, Living in Milpitas
Computing Resources in Milpitas and Nearby
Data recovery. Recycle an old computer. Buy a used computer. Many also repair cell phones and tablets.
Electronics, Shop, Work.
Contact Information
How to contact Ann Zeise, the owner of this website.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates for Milpitas
As the Coronavirus COVID-19 has hit our city and county particularly hard, I will use this post to keep you updated on important information you will need right here in town.
Around Milpitas, Covid-19, Health, Living in Milpitas.
A resource of counseling services and support groups.
Counciling, Covid-19, Crime Fighting, Living in Milpitas, Medical, Non-Profits.
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility and Scheduling
COVID-19 Vaccinations are only available to those who meet federal and state criteria.
Covid-19, Health.
Credit Unions
Non-profit financial institutions in Milpitas that are owned and operated entirely by its members. Credit unions provide financial services for their members, including savings and lending.
Crime Fighting
Legal services and other information to help fight crime, or just help you find a lawyer.
Arts, Literature, Museums and the Visual Arts.
Learn, Living in Milpitas, Play, Visit.