“R” Directory of Milpitas
Some links offer Real Audio, listen while online to music or talk shows. Show which you can listen to by asking Alexa to play.
Around Milpitas, Learn, Music, Play.
Real Estate
Housing, builders, realtors, classifieds, listing searches, open houses.
Living in Milpitas, Real Estate, Stay.
Recipes – see – California Recipes
Cooking ideas from Milpitas’ restaurants or for foods grown in California.
Gardening, Get Vitality in Milpitas, Restaurants.
Recipes for Weight Loss and Heart-Healthy Eating
Good nutrition is one way to reduce your risk of developing heart disease and stroke.
Adult Education, Covid-19, Get Vitality in Milpitas.
Recreational Flying
Where to learn to fly or to soar with a hang glider.
Covid-19, Get Vitality in Milpitas, Men, Play, Sports.
Recycling & Garbage
Where and how to recycle, and other trash talk.
Government, Recycling, Utilities.
Register to Vote in Milpitas & Santa Clara County
Register to vote with the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters. Who Can Register to Vote? You can register to vote in California if you are: At least 18 years old by Election Day A US Citizen A California resident Not currently imprisoned or on parole for a felony.
Around Milpitas, Government, Living in Milpitas, Vote.
Rent a Car, Truck or Trailer in Milpitas
Whether you need a car while yours is in for repairs, or you need a larger truck or trailer to haul something big, you can find the vehicle you need right here in Milpitas.
Rent Relief available NOW!
Are you behind on rent due to COVID/Pandemic-related causes and need some support?
Let the Milpitas Rent Relief program help you!
Around Milpitas, Get Vitality in Milpitas, Government, Living in Milpitas.
Rentals & Rent Assistance – Apartments & Homes in Milpitas, CA
Help finding an apartment or house to rent in Milpitas and surrounding area.
Covid-19, Living in Milpitas, Real Estate, Stay.
Some of the best dining south of San Francisco can be found right here in Milpitas.
Restaurants, Visit.
Restaurants – Great Mall
Italian, Australian, Japanese sushi, Chinese, sandwiches and burgers.
Great Mall, Restaurants.
Restaurants – McCarthy Ranch
The restaurants are always packed with business folks at noon. Dinner time it’s quieter.
Covid-19, McCarthy Ranch, Restaurants.
Restaurant Reviews
If you’re hungry for a taste of the real thing, food that hasn’t been filtered and watered down for the masses, to the edge you must go. Some of the region’s most exciting eating is found on the periphery in places like Fremont, Newark and Milpitas.
Restaurants – Town Center
Over a dozen restaurants and fast food restaurants to choose from in the Milpitas Town Center mall.
Around Milpitas, Restaurants, Town Center, Visit.
Reunion Plans & Alumni Groups
A number of classes from Milpitas High School and Ayer High School have virtual and real reunions.
History of Milpitas, Play, Schools.
Roads & Highways
Silicon Valley thoroughfares and backroads. Highway plans.
Around Milpitas, Cars, Living in Milpitas, Nearby, Play, Visit.
Rock Walls, Mysterious
The East Bay Walls are accessible in several area parks, including Ed R. Levin County Park in Santa Clara County and Mission Peak Regional Preserve in Alameda County.
History of Milpitas, Learn, Nearby, Visit.
Roller Coasters
Roller Coasters within a day’s ride of Milpitas, CA. History of these rides.
Children, Nearby, Play, Teens, Trains.