Census Data for Milpitas
If you’ve come to this page to see if your family or business would thrive in Milpitas, you are in the right place to find census data for Milpitas. Money magazine lists Milpitas among nation’s top 50 small cities In 2014 Milpitas is was named the 29th best small city in the USA to live in. There is a lot of Silicon Valley money in Milpitas. Tech giants like Solectron Corp, Infineon Technologies, KLA, and Lumentum are big employers. The city is centralized and convenient to other cities. It’s also a magnet for a well-educated diverse population. California Demographics The Demographic Research Unit of the California Department of Finance is…
Weather in Milpitas, California
Monument Peak and Summitpoint homes in the snow in March Summary of the general climate and historical weather patterns for the area. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to reliable weather resources linked below. General Climate in Milpitas, California Mediterranean Climate: Milpitas experiences a Mediterranean climate characterized by mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers. Temperature: Average highs in summer (June-August) range from 75°F to 85°F (24°C to 29°C), while winter temperatures (December-February) typically range from 45°F to 60°F (7°C to 15°C). Rainfall: Most rainfall occurs during the winter months, with an average annual precipitation of around 15 inches (38 cm). Summers are generally dry. Microclimates: Due to its…
Stink in Milpitas-Smell Map
The Silicon Valley odor problem seems incomprehensible. Learn about the history and current issues of the stink from Newby Island Landfill. When I was a youngster 60 or so years ago, we had a song we would sing as we drove from Oakland to Santa Cruz for a day at the Beach-Boardwalk. We’d drive our parents nuts with the repetitive drone of “doo-do-n-do-doo” over and over again, and then shouting out the name of each city we went through for the whole hour+ drive. Each had a specific hand gesture, and I don’t remember most of them any longer, but for Milpitas we’d make the gesture of rolling up the…
Guides to Silicon Valley Civic Networks
Before Google Local, small cities relied on such guides to Silicon Valley and else where. The project was called civic networking, and GoMilpitas was one of these very early civic network sites. Many civic networks still exist, each giving a unique view of their local scene in a way Google cannot. Civic Networks: Building Community on the Net By Scott London About Civic Networking Zeise’s site is a one-woman operation that’s truly a grass-roots effort. Zeise, who believes a community guide can’t be done properly unless its creator lives in the town it covers, attends Chamber of Commerce meetings and watches city council meetings on television. by Deborah Kong, Mercury…
Computer History
Apple II History This project began as a description of how the Apple II evolved into a IIGS, and some of the standards that emerged along the way. It has grown into a history of Apple Computer, with an emphasis on the place of the Apple II in that history. By Steven Weyhrich. Atari Games Museum The following pictures were taken in May of 2003, when Midway decided to close their Milpitas facility. The Milpitas facility was the old ‘Atari Games’ building. I was able to get some pictures, before everything was moved out of the building. Chief Yahoos:David Filo and Jerry Yang This interview was done over two meetings…
Ethnic History & Culture
“This [country] will in a few years become a…colony; instead of [their] learning our language, we must learn theirs, or live as in a foreign country.” – Advice to German immigrants from Benjamin Franklin, publisher of die Philadelphische Zeitung, the first German newspaper in America, 1751. Immigrants speaking other languages have been arriving in Santa Clara County for about 2 centuries contributing to our diverse ethnic history. Eventually they learn English, and begin to call themselves hyphenated-Americans, and become part of this wonderful melting pot. But is being a hyphenated-American a good thing? Does it imply not being 100% American? Our Ethnic Heritage Knowledge of Immigrant Nationalities of Santa Clara County…
Pioneer Era – 1800s in Silicon Valley
In the 1800s the Mexicans, the Gold Rush, the Civil War, and the Transcontental Railroad transformed the Bay Area from a bunch of sleepy cattle ranches to a booming economy. Read More About the California Pioneer Era Milpitas Images of America by Robert Burrill $21.95 or $25 with author signature. Call 263-5468 to order. Robert L. Burrill, Milpitas filmmaker and photography teacher for more than 35 years, has combed the archives of the Milpitas Historical Society, private local collections, and his own works to find more than 200 vintage photographs chronicling the heritage, enterprise, and wit of Milpitas from the 1700s to the present day. Read first 31 pages of…
California History Overview
Milpitas once had an encampment of Ohlone Indians. Two adobe rancheros still stand from the early days of the Spanish. An early motto was “As goes Milpitas, so goes the State!” For centuries, Milpitas has often taken the lead in new ways of living and governance. If you want to live in the City of the Future, with a lively part in California history, too, come live in Milpitas. About Milpitas The Milpitas Historical Society General meeting is the second Wednesday of each month, 7 PM, in the assembly room of the Milpitas Community Library. A History of Main Street: A Trip Through Historic Milpitas A live presentation with Host:…
Population Growth of Milpitas From 2023-2024
Milpitas has been growing at an unprecedented rate compared to other Santa Clara County Cites. We’ve been growing faster than all but one other nearby cities. The population estimate for Milpitas in 2024 is 81,773 people. Milpitas is the 117th largest city in California. It is a little smaller than Mountain View, and a little larger than Palo Alto. More people moved into Milpitas in the last year. We gained 0.17% of our previous population, 138 people. This report provides revised population estimates as of January 1, 2023, and provisional population estimates as of January 1, 2024, for the state, counties, and cities and includes a calculation of annual percent change. These…
Best Place to Live: the Great Town of Milpitas, California
Maps of California, showing location of Santa Clara County, and the county showing location of Milpitas. Why is Milpitas a Best Place to Live? Milpitas is a fair sized, suburban city that is situated between San Jose and Fremont, but has retained that small town feel, making us a best place to live. City Council and School Board meetings are social events, and are currently online during Covid-19, so even if you live elsewhere, you can still attend. Politically, we tend to vote Democrat, but every nuance of progressive politics is evident. Being in Northern California, it is cooler than the southern end of the state, yet because of the…