Halloween/Fall Fests
Updated each year for Halloween. Lots of new fall fests, haunted houses, pumpkin patches and more for fun in October in and near Milpitas, CA.
Children, Halloween, Living in Milpitas, Nearby, Play, Visit.
Fireworks 2008 Photos
Whether you attended the 4th of July Fireworks or not, you’ll probably enjoy these photos I captured.
4th of July.
Fireworks Set-Up Photo Album
Photos of the crew of Pyro Spectaculars setting up the fireworks display in Milpitas, July 3-4, 2000.
4th of July, Around Milpitas, History of Milpitas, Play.
Light Rail Opening 2004
2.6M Slide show movie of the opening of the light rail line at the Great Mall June 23, 2004. Viewable in Quicktime and other movie showing applications.
Living in Milpitas, Trains.
Parade on Main Street, 4th of July 2002
Milpitas used to have a fairly long 4th of July parade on Main Street. This one was back in 2002. The parade featured our historic first fire engine, Leapin’ Lena.
Parade on Main Street, 4th of July 2005 Slideshow
Slide show of the Main Street Parade, Milpitas, CA, July 4, 2005.