Ed Levin Trail
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Trails & Bike Paths

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Within Milpitas City Limits

Bay Trail through Milpitas
Map of the Bay Trail where it passes near and through Milpitas. Might be possible to hike or bike it. Catch it at the McCarthy Ranch shopping center.

Best Paved Bike Trails near Milpitas
Yelp reviews of the best bike trails in and near Milpitas.

Calaveras, The Wall
For me, “the wall” is the final section on Calaveras Road going east from Milpitas. It’s difficult and made more so by the effort reaching it from Piedmont. Someone had spray-painted “the wall” on the pavement near the start.

City of Milpitas Bike Map 2022
Maps of roads with bike lanes in Milpitas. Avoid the commute altogether! color coded according to difficulty.

City of Milpitas Bicycle/Pedestrian & Trails Plan
The City of Milpitas is in the process of updating its Trails and Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plans. These plans will provide the City with a vision and action plan to make it safer and more convenient to walk, bike, and roll in Milpitas. Visit MilpitasPhase2.altaplanning.cloud to provide feedback! Visit the interactive map at the link above to comment on proposed recommendations for bicycling and walking in Milpitas. Your feedback will inform recommended improvements around the city and help prioritize future investments. SHARE YOUR COMMENTS BY MARCH 31, 2021.

Milpitas Cycling Trails
Join over 20 million people getting fit on MapMyRide. Your workout, your devices, anywhere, anytime. Plan, analyze and share your journey.

Santa Clara Valley Bikeways Map
This PDF map allows you to zoom into an area of Santa Clara County to see the bikeways routes.

Mysterious Stone Walls
Mysterious Rock Walls
The East Bay Mysterious Rock Walls are accessible in several area parks, including Ed R. Levin County Park and on Mission Peak.

Find routes to popular entertainment venues, major employment centers, college campuses, and shopping areas. You’ll also find a library of routes used for social rides.
Ever been stuck in traffic while a bike commuter breezes past you with a big smile on her face? Or maybe you’ve seen someone merrily riding along, with groceries in his bike bags? If you’d like to try biking to work, school, or the store but haven’t found a bike-friendly route, Virtual Bike Route Scouts may be the answer!

Within Fremont City Limits

Best Trails in Mission Peak Regional Preserve, Fremont, CA
Here is a map of the trails on Mission Peak, a popular hiking spot in Fremont, CA. You can start the hike at Ed Levin Park in the Milpitas hills or take the easy way up from Stanford Ave. in Fremont.

Mission Peak Trails
Map shows the Mission Peak Loop, the Hidden Valley Trail, and the Peak Meadow Trail. On weekends, the Mission Peak trails can see some pretty heavy foot traffic. Dogs must be on leash as there are cattle grazing right along side the trail, between the cattle crossings. Be careful about checking out rock formations: there are rattle snakes! Spectacular views of the whole Bay Area and often all the way to the Sierras award those who make it to the top.

Within San Jose City Limits

Alum Rock Park Trail Map
This is a great hot summer day hike, as this trail provides plenty of shade relief. Check out the remnants of the mineral spring spa. The trail starts paved, then turns to dirt pack. The trails of Alum Rock Park are now back open to the public after closures prompted by mountain lion sightings and then a large wildland fire in the vicinity.

Alviso Slough Trail Loop Description and Views
The trail around the salt ponds is officially part of the Bay Trail. You can take the trail clockwise starting at the Marina, following along the levee above the Alviso Slough, with the salt ponds on your right.

Coyote Hills Regional Park
Bike riders may take the 3.5-mile paved Bayview Trail within the park. Bayview connects with 12 additional miles of trail along the south levee of the Alameda Creek Trail, and to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

Guadalupe River Trail
The northern reaches of the Guadalupe River Trail is open from Alviso at Gold Street to Grant Street near Highway 280. The portion through Guadalupe River Park and Gardens provides many opportunities for recreation and entertainment. Review:”Terrifying to accidentally find yourself amongst homeless encampments and then somehow onto railroad tracks. Uh. nope.” Follow San Jose Trails on Instagram

Trails Further Away

Bay Area Hiker
Click here for South Bay and Peninsula hiking spots. Click here for hiking in Map of Bay Area hiking trails. Wonderful descriptions of hikes and what to expect. Section on trails where you can hike with your dog.

Bay Area Ridge Trail
“Imagine a 400-mile ridgeline trail connecting the Bay Area’s precious greenbelt of parks and open space, linking hundreds of communities region-wide.” Hikes almost every Saturday all summer.

Del Valle
Deep in a valley framed by oak-covered hills, with sailboats and sailboards skimming over its waters, Del Valle is like an alpine resort only 10 miles south of Livermore.

East Bay Regional Park District
Explore this site to learn where you can picnic, hike, camp, fish, ride a bike, ride a horse, and explore nature in Alameda and Contra Costa counties.

Ravenswood Slough to Alviso
Cooley Landing to Sunnyvale Baylands Park
Pedal nearly 15 miles on mostly natural surface trail and experience the outer edges of the bay connected by shoreline park jewels in East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Mountain View and Sunnyvale.

Rose Peak, Ohlone Wilderness Trail
Located in the wildest and most remote land remaining in the East Bay hills, the Ohlone Wilderness Trail climbs 3,427 feet over the course of 10 miles to reach Rose Peak (3,817 feet).

Santa Clara County Open Space Reserves Trails
The Open Space Authority maintains multi-use trails for hikers, bicyclists and equestrians and is committed to opening new lands to visitors as funding allows. The trails are open every day of the year and are free to the public.

See also: Hiking, Running, Walking