• History

    Ethnic History & Culture

    Ethnic Melting Pot

    “This [country] will in a few years become a…colony; instead of [their] learning our language, we must learn theirs, or live as in a foreign country.” – Advice to German immigrants from Benjamin Franklin, publisher of die Philadelphische Zeitung, the first German newspaper in America, 1751. Immigrants speaking other languages have been arriving in Santa Clara County for about 2 centuries contributing to our diverse ethnic history. Eventually they learn English, and begin to call themselves hyphenated-Americans, and become part of this wonderful melting pot. But is being a hyphenated-American a good thing? Does it imply not being 100% American? Our Ethnic Heritage Knowledge of Immigrant Nationalities of Santa Clara County…

  • Shops

    Town Center


    Milpitas Town Center is near City Hall, the Community Center, and the Senior Center. Anchor stores are Safeway and Staples. There are banks and credit unions, health and fitness products and services, grooming, restaurants, and other services, too. E. Calaveras and Hillview Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Anchor Stores Banks & Credit Unions Grooming Health & Fitness Restaurants Services Anchor Stores BevMo Now delivers to your door or pick up at the store. Shipping, too. Liquor store chain offering a big selection of wine, beer & spirits, plus barware, mixers & snacks. 709 E Calaveras Blvd. 408-946-8112 India Metro Hypermarket Milpitas Uses Facebook as its website. Yelp reviews. 699 E Calaveras…

  • Media

    Bay Area and Silicon Valley Magazines


    Bay Area and Silicon Valley Magazines to keep you informed about business, technology, travel, garden, entertainment, and other trends. Bay Area Family Travel We will focus on a specific Bay Area locale for our monthly cover story. And in the How-to with Kidsdepartment, writers provide the essentials on how to ski with kids, camp with kids, visit museums with kids…you get the idea. Bay Area Parent Has great ideas of what is open for kids and what is not. Events calendar, articles of interest to parents. Childcare resources, plays, museums, field trip ideas. Bay Nature A quarterly magazine dedicated to the intelligent and joyful exploration of the natural places of the…

  • History

    California History Overview

    California symbols

    Milpitas once had an encampment of Ohlone Indians. Two adobe rancheros still stand from the early days of the Spanish. An early motto was “As goes Milpitas, so goes the State!” For centuries, Milpitas has often taken the lead in new ways of living and governance. If you want to live in the City of the Future, with a lively part in California history, too, come live in Milpitas. About Milpitas The Milpitas Historical Society General meeting is the second Wednesday of each month, 7 PM, in the assembly room of the Milpitas Community Library. A History of Main Street: A Trip Through Historic Milpitas A live presentation with Host:…

  • About Milpitas

    Population Growth of Milpitas From 2023-2024


    Milpitas has been growing at an unprecedented rate compared to other Santa Clara County Cites. We’ve been growing faster than all but one other nearby cities. The population estimate for Milpitas in 2024 is 81,773 people. Milpitas is the 117th largest city in California. It is a little smaller than Mountain View, and a little larger than Palo Alto. More people moved into Milpitas in the last year. We gained 0.17% of our previous population, 138 people. This report provides revised population estimates as of January 1, 2023, and provisional population estimates as of January 1, 2024, for the state, counties, and cities and includes a calculation of annual percent change. These…

  • About Milpitas

    Best Place to Live: the Great Town of Milpitas, California

    Milpitas & Santa Clara County Map

    Maps of California, showing location of Santa Clara County, and the county showing location of Milpitas. Why is Milpitas a Best Place to Live? Milpitas is a fair sized, suburban city that is situated between San Jose and Fremont, but has retained that small town feel, making us a best place to live. City Council and School Board meetings are social events, and are currently online during Covid-19, so even if you live elsewhere, you can still attend. Politically, we tend to vote Democrat, but every nuance of progressive politics is evident. Being in Northern California, it is cooler than the southern end of the state, yet because of the…

  • History

    Mission/Rancho Era – 1700s

    Alviso Adobe Milpitas

    Milpitas was along the route taken by the De Anza Expedition, and between Mission San Jose and Mission Santa Clara. There is a sign posted near the intersection of Calaveras and Milpitas Blvd., near City Hall, showing where the expedition passed through. Alviso Adobe Park The adobe’s history can be traced back to 1834, when its original owner, José Maria de Jesus Alviso, penned a petition describing what he had built: “two walled houses,” outside of which were 600 cattle, a 600-vine vineyard, and an orchard bearing 60 fruit trees. The function of the petition was for Alviso to gain formal ownership of the property, which he cited as “the…

  • History,  Jokes,  News Archives

    Historical trivia: Milpitas’ history as the constant butt of nationwide jokes

    Bill Hare and Eric Shapiro

    By Eric Shapiro, June 17, 2023, in The Milpitas Beat The Milpitas Beat last Saturday caught up with Milpitas Historical Society President Bill Hare for a fun, quick chat about our city’s long yet forgotten history as the butt of endless jokes around the nation… According to Hare, for about a century, a comparable cultural sentiment was in circulation about a “man from Milpitas…” No man in particular, just a general, fictional Milpitas resident… The Milpitas Historical Society can trace the whole thing back to news articles from the 1860s. According to Hare, “In 1863, there was talk of California maybe leaving the union and becoming a slave state…There was…

  • Media


    Milpitas Post of Past

    Stop by here to get the daily news or place a classified advertisement in local Milpitas newspapers: the Beat, The Post & The Union. Milpitas Newspapers GoMilpitas News Archives Current and past news stories on this site. Milpitas Post News stories now a part of the Mercury News, so you will only see a few news stories. To contact the Mercury News, use this page to get to the right department. No longer any physical presence in Milpitas. Ian Bauer was let go. No way to publish your local events or advertisements. Please consider using the GoMilpitas Events listings here for free. Contact me about advertising on GoMilpitas.com. The Milpitas…

  • Education,  News Archives

    Mipitas Unified’s Innovation Campus

    Innovation Campus

    Illustration of future Innovation Campus. Photo courtesy of MUSD. Milpitas Unified’s Innovation Campus slated for completion in 2024 By David Newman, Milpitas Beat, July 31, 2021 Programs will include new high school and alternative high school classes that will be dedicated to 11th- and 12th-graders needing special guidance to help them become successful. The campus will be located at 1331 E Calaveras Blvd., where the old Ayer High School site and district offices currently reside. MUSD Innovation Campus Campaign Partner with us today! Let’s build a brighter future together. In Nov 2018, according to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters office, Milpitas Unified School District made history as it…