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Tag: <span>Homeless</span>

The latest updates on Project Homekey’s Hillview Court Apartments

By Maria Denise Cuenca, July 31, 2023, Milpitas Beat

Residents had brought up various safety concerns to the public related to violence, drug-related activity, and mental health. As recently as last week, the Milpitas Police Department informed the public of a domestic disturbance at the property.

On May 22, a tenant of Hillview named Lisa Reeve emailed the City Council as well as many other groups regarding a variety of issues related to the property. Many of the issues at Hillview have led to increased calls to emergency services.

The City Council wrote a letter to Supervisor Otto Lee asking for his assistance on the issue. Then, on May 31, Council staff attended a seminar at the property and heard from tenants about their concerns.

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Homeless on Railroad Ave., Milpitas, prepare to have their Vehicles Towed.

Photos by Ann Zeise, GoMilpitas.com, March 12, 2022

Homeless Encampment Pano
Homeless Encampment Pano
Unpacking Vehicle
Homeless residents preparing to have their vehicles towed by moving out belongings to the street.
Allysson McDonald and Loreto Quevedo Dimaandal wait as witnesses
Allysson McDonald and Loreto Quevedo Dimaandal wait as witnesses
Allyson and Resident
Allyson McDonald and a Resident

Mayor Tran announces that vehicles parked behind library will be towed on March 12

By Eric Shapiro, MilpitasBeat, March 11, 2022

Earlier this week, on Mayor Rich Tran’s Facebook page, the Mayor posted that the “abandoned, inoperable, and unregistered” vehicles parked behind Milpitas Library were being given notice by the Milpitas Police Department (MPD) to move or risk being towed in another 72 hours.

The Mayor’s post and plans come in the midst of an active discussion on homelessness in Milpitas, during which the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley advised the City of Milpitas that its planned sweeps of homeless encampments were unconstitutional and the City’s homelessness task force provided recommendations to the Milpitas City Council. Last week, Councilmember Karina Dominguez headed up a sleep-out outside of Milpitas City Hall to draw attention to the plight of the city’s homeless residents.

In an email exchange with The Beat, when asked what the City would do to help the unhoused residents whose cars will be towed, Assistant City Manager Ashwini Kantak wrote, “The issues that cause homelessness are complex. The City’s role is to balance the rights of those who are homeless with the need to ensure proper safety, hygiene, and impact on the entire community – and strictly enforce City laws.

Read more in the Milpitas Beat