Senior Housing & Living Centers
Making the right choice for the elderly California Associates for Nursing Home Reform CANHR publishes fact sheets on a wide range of topics important to long term care consumers. Catholic Charities of Santa Clara Long Term Care Ombudsman Program: advocates for people in nursing and residential care homes. 2625 Zanker Road, San Jose 408-468-0100 Senior housing and specific living communities in Milpitas, California. City of Milpitas Seniors Housing & Services There are specific affordable housing opportunities and public services serving only Milpitas’ Seniors Citizens. Please contact the organizations on this link for more information. DeVries Place Provides affordable rental homes for low-income seniors while helping to restore the character of…
Affordable Housing
What is the Problem? Affordable housing in Milpitas, Santa Clara County, CA. Programs for first time buyers, teachers, and seniors looking for low cost, below market rate (BMR) housing. HUD Community Programs There are many ways for you to get involved in your community – but first, you need to become an informed citizen. Find out what kinds of funds and opportunities are available for communities. Learn the facts about your community. And let your local government know what you think. SV@Home SV@Home is uniquely positioned to advocate for housing solutions. The voice for affordable housing in the Silicon Valley. A membership organization, SV@Home advocates for policies, programs, land use,…
Senior Center
Barbara Lee Senior Center Information. Come spend the day with us, or just a few hours. Includes contact information and a Map with directions to the Senior Center, Activities and Services, and additional resources for local Senior Citizens, such as a very inexpensive lunch. Call 24 hours in advance to reserve a catered meal. Barbara Lee Senior Center offers Saturday hours during new pilot program By Rhoda Shapiro – Milpitas Beat – September 12, 2022 Now, for the first time ever, the senior center’s opening its doors on Saturdays, from 9am-12pm. The move is part of a new Pilot Program, which the majority of the Milpitas City Council voted to…
Retirement Through the Eyes of a Child
After a spring break, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent the holidays. One child wrote the following: “We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live here in a big brick house, but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Milpitas. Now they live in a place with a lot of other retarded people. They live in a tin box and have rocks painted green to look like grass. They ride around on big tricycles and wear name tags because they don’t know who they are anymore. They go to a building called a wrecked center, but they must have got…
Investment and Retirement Advice & News
It is often nice to have a financial broker who is available to talk with you about your investments for retirement, and be nearby to where you live or work. It is great when they understand what it takes to live here in Silicon Valley. Brokers Charles Schwab Offers a toll-free telephone number (800-682-0668) for service in Mandarin and Cantonese for their Asia-Pacific Service located in Milpitas. 12 Ranch Drive, 408-467-7010 CUSO Financial Services CommonWealth has formed a relationship with CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (CFS)*, an independent broker/dealer, to provide service and support for your investment and insurance needs. As a CommonWealth member, you can enjoy CUSO’s personalized service, lower…