Weight Loss-Healthy Eating
Health Services in and near Milpitas
Local Programs
Nearest Weight Watchers meeting place is in Newark.
Recipes for Weight Loss and Heart-Healthy Eating
Good nutrition is one way to reduce your risk of developing heart disease and stroke.
Resources for Losing Weight
3 Fat Chicks on a Diet
Weight loss support site offering extensive forums, chats, lowfat recipes, food reviews, fast food nutrition, health and fitness information.
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone
Possibly the best diet information site on the web. Plan ahead for restaurant menu weight watcher points.
Emily Bites
Lightened up comfort food. New Weight Watchers Freestyle Program.
Exercise 4 Weightloss
Use this site as your guide for eating healthy, losing weight and getting fit and healthy. Has Weight Watchers information and restaurant menu points.
Hungry Girl
I love food because food is delicious. My mantra, as many of my friends know, is “I’m hungry!” Because I obsess over food, I learn about it, read about it, research it, dream about it. Nothing gives me a thrill like discovering a new low cal snack or assembling a no fat pizza!
Changing to a healthy, fit, nutritious lifestyle and how to do it.
Weight Loss Software & Calculators
Online calculators, software for your Mac, Palm or Windows system, and Excel spreadsheets for planning and recording.