“E” Directory of Milpitas
Earthquake information and maps.
Around Milpitas, Living in Milpitas, Stay.
East Indian Restaurants
Are you looking for restaurants with that spicy east Indian flavor?
Dining, Indian, Restaurants
Education Demographics
A resource page for gathering recent education demographics for Milpitas Unified School District student data and statistics.
Children, Living in Milpitas, Schools, Teens.
Elected Officials Representing Milpitas
Contact information, links to the various government sites.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Travelers often want to know where they can charge up their electric car, and may have preferences as to the type of charger.
Cars, Living in Milpitas, Shop, Visit.
Electricity – see Power & Gas
Consumer information concerning our power and natural gas resources in Silicon Valley.
Living in Milpitas, Stay, Utilities.
Electronics – Great Mall
Home theater, audio, stereos and TV; pagers, cellular phones, accessories, repairs.
Electronics, Great Mall, Shop, Telephone.
Elementary Schools – see Milpitas Unified School District
General Milpitas school district information.
Children, MUSD, Schools.
Elmwood Jail
Information and links for Elmwood Correctional Facility and the Correctional Center for Women.
Covid-19, Crime Fighting, Elmwood Jail.
Elmwood Jail – Contact Information & Map
Address, phone numbers, directions and map.
Crime Fighting, Elmwood Jail.
Elmwood Jail – Outreach Programs
Education, training, ministries, and other outreach programs at both the men’s and women’s facilities.
Crime Fighting, Elmwood Jail.
Email Lists – see Social Networking Groups for Milpitas Neighborhood Discussions
Connect with others in Milpitas and nearby to talk about our town and its activities.
Around Milpitas, Crime Fighting, Living in Milpitas.
Be prepared! Get these links printed out for that health, earthquake, or power outage emergency.
Adult Education, Get Vitality in Milpitas, Learn.
Emergency Preparedness
I will try to be as specific here to Milpitas residents as possible about how to prepare for emergencies such as wild fires, earthquakes, and sometimes floods.
Around Milpitas, Learn, Living in Milpitas, Stay.
Entertainment Products
Entertainment Products Designed in Milpitas.
Electronics, Internet, Work.
ESL – English as a Second Language
English classes for non-native English speakers in Milpitas, Fremont, San Jose and general Silicon Valley area.
Adult Education.
Ethnic History & Culture
History of rolls played by the diverse cultures present in Milpitas and the Bay Area.
About, History of Milpitas, Learn, Living in Milpitas.
Ethnic Organizations
Black, Chinese, East Indian, Hispanic, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese ethnic organizations in Milpitas or nearby and with a fair number of Milpitas members, which meet to socialize and meet common goals.
Around Milpitas, Men, Play, Women.