Tag: <span>Learn</span>

Pioneer Era – 1800s in Silicon Valley

In the 1800s the Mexicans, the Gold Rush, the Civil War, and the Transcontental Railroad transformed the Bay Area from a bunch of sleepy cattle ranches to a booming economy.

Read More About the California Pioneer Era

Milpitas Images of AmericaMilpitas
Images of America
by Robert Burrill
$21.95 or $25 with author signature.
Call 263-5468 to order.
Robert L. Burrill, Milpitas filmmaker and photography teacher for more than 35 years, has combed the archives of the Milpitas Historical Society, private local collections, and his own works to find more than 200 vintage photographs chronicling the heritage, enterprise, and wit of Milpitas from the 1700s to the present day. Read first 31 pages of this book.

Little CornfieldsLittle Cornfields
Hardcover editions of Milpitas : The Century of Little Cornfields 1852 – 1952 by Patricia Loomis are available by making a donation of $18 (or more) to the Milpitas Historical Society. Paperback edition is available for $8.

You are invited to attend one of the Milpitas Historical Society meetings any 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Library at 7p when this book will also be available.

Family Chronicles and Biographies of Milpitas Pioneer Families

History of Local Pioneers in the 1800s

Almaden Quicksilver Mining Museum
Mining operations in New Almaden first began in 1845 under the claim of Mexican Cavalry Officer Captain Andres Castillero. Castillero discovered that the red rock used by the local Ohlone Indians to paint them and the walls of the Santa Clara Mission was cinnabar, an ore containing mercury. The valuable mercury was needed to process silver in Mexican silver mines.

Alum Rock Park History
California’s first and oldest park. The park which was founded in 1872, was simply referred to as the “reservation.” The name Alum Rock was derived from a huge rock that was believed to contain a high percentage of alum.

Alviso Adobe Park History
The first story of the Alviso Adobe, which is located near the intersection of Piedmont Road and Calaveras Road, was built some time in 1835 by José Maria de Jesus Alviso, who had been granted title to the land on which it stands by the governor of Alta California, José Castro, on September 23,  1835.

Ardenwood Farm
In 1849 George Washington Patterson joined the stream of young men leaving the Midwest for California’s gold fields. His dreams left little room for failure, but after a year and a half of mining he was ill and broke. And so he turned to work he knew well — farming.

The Bear Flag Revolt
With Fremont’s “army” nearby, and belief in the rumor that Castro was gathering forces to expel the Americans, the local settlers became emboldened enough to steal some horses meant for Castro’s army, then to storm Vallejo’s “fort” at Sonoma June 14, 1846.

California As We Saw It
Exploring the California Gold Rush. By Gary F. Kurutz, Curator of Special Collections, California State Library.

California during the Civil War: 10 Facts
While no battles took place on Californian soil, the state has a rich Civil War history. Learn more about the state of California during the Civil War with these ten facts.

Discovery of Gold in California
It was in the first part of January, 1848, when the gold was discovered at Coloma, where John Sutter was then building a saw-mill. A first-hand account.

Fallon House
Restored to how homes looked during the Civil War era in California, you can easily see this home and the Peralta Adobe next door in one trip.

Frémont in the Conquest of California
In the autumn of 1845 Frémont came on his second exploring expedition to California.

Gold Rush – American Experience on PBS
See if you have what it takes to strike it rich in the gold rush! Choose a character and try to strike it rich in our online role-playing game.

Gold Rush Chronicles
Here before you, in a leather-bound book on an old wooden table, is a history of the great California Gold Rush. Discover the colorful stories that lie unfurled on these pages and unlock a taste of that famous era. Learn how the Gold Rush affected the world not so long ago.

Guadalupe River Park
Local historians have always been aware that a settlement known as the Woolen Mills Chinatown was located near Taylor Street between 1887 and 1902.

History of the Donner Party – C. F. McGlashan
The far-famed Donner Party were, in a peculiar sense, pioneer martyrs of California. Before the discovery of gold, before the highway across the continent was fairly marked out, while untold dangers lurked by the wayside, and unnumbered foes awaited the emigrants, the Donner Party started for California.

Felton Homes and History
Felton had its start in 1843 when Isaac Graham transferred his limber mill from the Zayante land grant to the San Lorenzo River at Fall Creek. Local Felton wiki.

Historic Niles
The community of Niles is rich in history and has gained recognition as a truly unique spot in the San Francisco Bay Area.

History of the University of California
The University of California became a “public trust” in 1879 as part of a larger revision of California’s Constitution approved by California voters. Download full text.

History in the Vines: Fremont’s Wine Legacy
From the Spanish-Mission era up to Prohibition, south Fremont (then called the Washington Township), had once been one of the first and most productive wine regions in California.

The Houghton Donner House
156 E. St. John Street, San Jose, and right in the way of the Civic Center expansion, is a late -Victorian Italianate style and was home to two historically important San Joseans, early mayor Sherman Houghton and his wife, Donner Party survivor Eliza Donner Houghton. “Suspicious” fire burns historic Donner Houghton house to the ground in July 2007. More on the Donner Blog./P>

How California Came to be Admitted
The first Legislature assembled on December 15th for temporary organization in San Jose, the new seat of government. Of more significance, doubtless, was the fact that on the following Thursday, December 20, 1849, the State government of California was formally established. By Rockwell D. Hunt, Ph. D

Joseph D. Grant County Park
In 1839, a 15,000-acre Mexican Land Grant was awarded to Jose de Jesus Bernal and was named Rancho Canada de Pala. Jose de Jesus and his two brothers built adobes around a spring-fed pond on a ridge overlooking the Santa Clara Valley.

Juana Briones
A long-living ranchera acquired a large spread in Santa Clara Valley and shared it with others.

Lighthouses of the United States: Northern California
These early lights, like the Point Pinos Light and the Battery Point Light were built in a what was then a typical New England style. Ironically, there are no examples of this style surviving in New England, so the only place to see these traditional New England lighthouses is in California.Laguna Schoolhouse, Milpitas, CA (1865-1943)

Mexican California
Under Mexican rule governors were encouraged to make more grants for individual ranchos, and these grants were to be outright.

Mexican Years: 1822 to 1846
The early 19th century saw growing discontent in New Spain’s society. Revolts started in 1810 and extended through 1821, when a revolution led to formation of the Mexican Republic.

Mt. View History
In 1851, the Castro family built their first home and, later, donated land to the railroad, creating Mountain View’s first flag stop.

Peralta Family and the Rancho San Antonio
The Peralta Family had a huge rancho that encompassed most of the East Bay from present day El Cerrito down to San Leandro.

Santa Clara Valley Mill & Lumber Company – 1870’s
The demand for firewood and building lumber by the citizens and towns of the Santa Clara Valley produced a road over the summit from Saratoga to the San Lorenzo Valley in 1870.

A short history on wine making in California
The story of wine in California begins with the story of the Spanish in California. Vineyard planting in the state began with the Spanish Franciscan Missionaries starting with California’s first mission: Mission San Diego de Alcalá in 1769. Just as palm trees were planted so there would be palm fronds for Palm Sunday, vineyards were planted so there would be wine for communion. That first variety, planted by Father Junípero Serra, became so ubiquitous that it became known as the Mission grape and was the preeminent variety until 1880.

Stanford History
The first parcel, bought in 1876, was 650 acres along San Francisquito Creek. Purchase of adjoining parcels ran the total to 8,180 acres, the whole of which was given to the University in the 1885 Grant of Endowment with the stipulation that it never be sold.

William T. Sherman and Early California History
Sherman arrives in California and describes the Monterey area in 1847. Additional links tell of his experiences during the Gold Rush.

The Winchester Mystery House Story
Not long after Sarah returned to her family and home, another tragedy struck. William, now heir to the Winchester empire, was struck down with pulmonary tuberculosis. He died on March 7, 1881. As a result of his death, Sarah inherited over $20 million dollars, an incredible sum, especially in those days. She also received 48.9 percent of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company and an income of about $1000 per day, which was not taxable until 1913.

Television Stations with Local Shows

This page has been updated to include the TV Guide for upcoming streaming TV. Consider watching favorite television stations right from their websites.

TV Guide
Get recommendations across all your streaming services and live TV
Find out what is coming soon.

2 – KTVU 2 – Sports
Your link for Stanford and 49er schedules, scores, discussion groups, interviews.

4 – KRON 4 – (NBC) News
KRON offers news and links to San Francisco events, sports, traffic and weather.

5 – KPIX 5 – (CBS) News
Here are breaking Bay Area News Stories that may be featured in tonight’s TV newscast.

7 – KGO 7 – (ABC) News
Tickertape news, sports and weather. Video, audio news and remote cameras.

9 – KQED 9 (PBS) What’s On
Find out or search for PBS programming on this page. Watch full episodes online.

11 – NBC Bay Area Top Local News
A busy page with news teasers for about everything going on.

12 – CBS All Access
Watch your favorite CBS Shows here.

13 – KBWB (WB)
The Warner Brothers network. Always shows today’s shows on the top page.

17 – In Demand
Movies, news, sports when you want to watch.

22 – CSPAN
Cable Satellite Public Affairs.

31 – HSN Home Page
Home Shopping Network program guide and online store.

41 – Ion Media Networks
Family viewing station.

48 – A& E Arts & Entertainment
Biography, Investigative Reports, Law & Order, The View, Nero Wolf, Behind Closed Doors, Mysteries, and more.

California History Overview

Milpitas once had an encampment of Ohlone Indians. Two adobe rancheros still stand from the early days of the Spanish. An early motto was “As goes Milpitas, so goes the State!” For centuries, Milpitas has often taken the lead in new ways of living and governance. If you want to live in the City of the Future, with a lively part in California history, too, come live in Milpitas.

About Milpitas

The Milpitas Historical Society
General meeting is the second Wednesday of each month, 7 PM, in the assembly room of the Milpitas Community Library.

A History of Main Street: A Trip Through Historic Milpitas
A live presentation with Host: Bill Hare, President and Speaker: Joseph Ehardt, Research Docent, Educational Outreach Program. This special presentation was held on Saturday, December 19, 2020, on Facebook and Zoom.

Milpitas: A look back
Outline of Milpitas History from the Mercury News story published on Aug. 27, 2006.

Portuguese Pioneers in Milpitas
Settlers from the Azores, a group of islands west of Portugal, began coming to California in Gold Rush times, and later for the economic opportunities. As they encouraged families and friends to join them, they became an important element in California and in the Santa Clara Valley as hard-working farmers and land owners.

About California

California History and Culture – State Symbols
Here’s where you find all that information for that state report, like state bird or flower.

California History
A major collection of documents from and about California’s rich history. The documents range from books, maps, newspapers, and periodicals, to pictorial materials (including daguerreotypes, lithographs, stereographs, and paintings) and ephemera (such as posters, programs, pamphlets, and sheet music).

California History Online
Lovely California Historical Society website includes geographic information, California natives, early explorers, to modern times.

California as I Saw It: First-Person Narratives of California’s Early Years, 1849 to 1900
The collection covers the dramatic decades between the Gold Rush and the turn of the twentieth century. It captures the pioneer experience; encounters between Anglo-Americans and the diverse peoples who had preceded them; the transformation of the land by mining, ranching, agriculture, and urban development; the often-turbulent growth of communities and cities; and California’s emergence as both a state and a place of uniquely American dreams.

Heyday Books
Publishing books about California history, culture, and literature.

Mark Hylkema: California during the Spanish and Mexican Colonial Periods
Mark begins with the first Spanish explorers conquering the Aztecs, and tells about the Portolá expedition in 1769, when California suddenly went from prehistory to history, like “the flip of a switch.”

Santa Clara County Historical Landmarks
My mother used to call these hunks of stone with metal plaques “Hysterical Landmarks” because so often there is nothing left at the site but the stone! But you’ll find one at the garage where H-P got started and where Noyce invented his first semiconductor. None in Milpitas…hmmmm.

Historical Figures in Early California

On June 27, 1542, an explorer under Spanish command, named Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, left the port of Navidad on the Pacific Coast of what is now Mexico and headed north.

Juan Bautista de Anza
Juan Bautista de Anza was the first European to establish an overland route from Mexico, through the Sonoran Desert, to the Pacific coast of California. New World Spanish explorers had been seeking such a route through the Desert Southwest for more than two centuries.

Governors of California
A tribute to the individuals who have served as chief executive of the State of California from 1849 to present.

Notable People of Milpitas
The “Notable People” project adds to our knowledge about the history of Milpitas. For more information, please click on a link located on the right sidebar of the Historical Society’s page.

History of Russian America
So moved was Rezanov by the misery of the colonists that he purchased a vessel from Americans in Alaska and sailed to San Francisco Bay early in 1806 to purchase grain and, if possible, to establish trade relations with the Spanish in Upper California on a continuing basis.

Sir Francis Drake
The British explorer, Sir Francis Drake, sailed up the coast of California in 1579. Could he have discovered Milpitas?

Grant Writing Help

Below is a list of organizations that provide technical assistance, consulting, classes and research materials in the San Francisco Bay Area. My thanks to the Community Foundation for allowing me to reproduce this information from one of their seminars.

Grant Writing

Technical Assistance

Elements of a Grant Proposal
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting evaluates hundreds of proposals each year for a variety of funding purposes. This publication is an easy guide to the basic elements of grant writing and is offered to assist applicants to CPB and to other funding sources. It offers guideposts to help you through each stage of the process.

The Peninsula Community Foundation
McClellan Library
1700S. El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA 94402
Foundation Center
312 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA
415-397-0903 (Librarian)

Websites for Grant Research

Council on Foundations
See what role foundations play in your community, how to start your own foundation, and what the Council does to support foundations.

The Foundation Center
News and profiles of the top philanthropic foundations.

Foundation Directory On-line
Directory of home pages of charitable grantmakers that may contain downloadable information such as grant applications, periodical and financial reports, and e-mail capabilities.

Arts Foundations Based in San Francisco Bay Area

California Arts Council
The mission of the CAC is to make available and accessible quality art reflecting all of California’s diverse cultures.

Community Foundation
Grants are available only to nonprofit organizations benefiting Santa Clara County and southern San Mateo County, California. Good overview of the whole grant process.

The David and Lucille Packard Foundation
The goals of the Arts Program are to ensure that a vibrant network of nonprofit arts institutions continues to exist and that children are well educated in the arts. Grants concentrated in the Northern California counties of San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Monterey.

The Nathan Cummings Foundation
The Foundation pays particular attention to arts institutions whose mission and practices include service to the poor, disadvantaged and underserved.

Writing the Grant

Basic Elements of Grant Writing
This publication is an easy guide to the basic elements of grant writing and is offered to assist applicants.

EPA Grant Writing Tutorial
Primarily for those looking for grants to aid in environmental projects.

Grant Writing: Seven Deadly Sins of Grant Writing
Too often grant writers fall into these traps when applying for community grants.

Learning Lab – A Proposal Writing Short Course
This process is grounded in the conviction that a partnership should develop between the nonprofit and the donor. When you spend a great deal of your time seeking money, it is hard to remember that it can also be difficult to give money away.

Related page: Grant Writing
Too often grant writers fall into these traps when applying for community grants.

Crime Fighting

Crime Fighting: Ways to fight, prevent and report crimes in Milpitas, CA.

All Point Bulletins
Being a Kid is Not a Crime
Consumer Services
Crime Victim Resources
Data & Statistics
Documents & Forms
Domestic Violence
Identity Theft
Jails-Correctional Facilities
Legal Institutions
Megan’s Law
Sex Crimes

Milpitas Citizens Online Police Reporting System

Please confirm the following to find out if online citizen police report filing is right for you:

  • This is not an Emergency?
  • This incident occurred within the Milpitas City limits?
  • There are No Known suspects?
  • This did not occur on a State Freeway?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you are ready to file your report online.

If you do not wish to be anonymous, you may call 408-586-2400

Crime Tip Hotline
To report crimes anonymously to the Milpitas Police:
Call 408-586-2500 or click the link above to report with online form.

Milpitas Youth Crime Activity Lead Line
Reward of $100 if report leads to an arrest:
(866) 276-5463

Milpitas Police Department
1275 North Milpitas Blvd.,
Milpitas, California 95035 
Main Phone: 408-586-2400

Contacting Milpitas Police
Crime Tip Line – 408-586-2500
Neighborhood Watch Info – 408-586-2525


Scam Alerts
GoMilpitas.com provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report ongoing scams.

Utility Scam Alert
There was one such scam reported in Milpitas recently so I wanted to share with you the information on the flyer. Please share the flyer with your neighbors.

All Point Bulletins

Wanted Posters–San Jose Police Department.
The Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) is an Intelligence Sharing Initiative owned and operated by the Federal, State and Local Public Safety Partners of the Region. © 2013 NCRIC Northern California Regional Intelligence Center. All rights reserved.

The “Most Wanted Terrorists” List
United States Government officials have announced the creation of the “Most Wanted Terrorists” List. The first individuals placed on this list are 22 people wanted for their role in crimes committed since 1985, crimes which resulted in the death of innocent people around the world.

Consumer Services

Consumer Publications
California Department of Consumer Affairs online publications regarding rights and responsibilities.

Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights (FTCR)
A nationally-recognized, California-based, non-profit education and advocacy organization. Our job is to fight to protect your interests every day. We provide people with the facts, not propaganda. We hold the politicians and the special interests accountable when they endanger the public.

FTC Consumer Complaint Form
Use this form to submit a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Bureau of Consumer Protection about a particular company or organization. This form also may be used to submit a complaint to the FTC concerning media violence. The information you provide is up to you.

Small Claims Court of Santa Clara County
Consumer Resource & Referral Guide to Legal Agencies for when you want your day in court.

Crime Victim Resources

The Victims of Crime Resource Center
Understanding victim rights. The Victims of Crime Resource Center is located on the Pacific McGeorge School of Law campus in Sacramento, California. The Center operates the State of California’s confidential, toll-free 1-800-777-9229 line.

Amber Alert Plan in California
The CHP is ready to assist in the recovery of an abducted child with statewide notifications of child abduction information.

California Bar Association
Legal Referral Services in the state of California.

California Victim Compensation Program (Cal VCP)
We can assist you and your family with out-of-pocket costs related to the crime, such as medical and counseling bills. To do that, Victim Advocates can help you fill out the proper forms.

District Attorney, Santa Clara County
We in the District Attorney’s Office are making every effort to achieve the lowest crime rate reasonably possible while emphasizing the prosecution of violent crime. 70 West Hedding Street, West Wing, San Jose, CA 95110, Phone: 408-295-2656.

Graffiti Terminators
Graffiti Hotline: 408-408-586-3079
Become a graffiti terminator and help beautify Milpitas.

Santa Clara County Bar Association
Court information, lawyer referral service, information for those in the legal profession.

State Attorney General
Bill Lockyer. How the Department of Justice works to ensure safety and justice for all the people of the Golden State.

If you were the victim of a crime, and your offender has been convicted, you might be eligible for restitution. Our Restitution Specialists can assist you in obtaining court ordered restitution from offenders.

Data & Statistics for Milpitas

Bay Area homicides 2018: Map and details
Red dots indicate shootings, yellow dots are stabbings, blue are other methods. Click on a dot for more details of the incident. Links to the Bay Area News Group articles about the crimes are below. Find homicide maps from previous years, too.

Criminal Justice Statistics Center
The California Attorney General’s site contains more than 5,000 statistical tables, 59 reports, 29 publications, links to federal, state, and local agency statistics, and links to other criminal statistics services.

Documents & Forms

Law Depot
Free Legal Documents, Forms and Contracts. Print or download your customized legal document in 5-10 minutes.

Small Claims Forms
Free to view and print out on your home or business printer. From the Superior Court’s Small Claims Advisor.

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence
What to do and who to call if you or a friend are a victim of domestic violence in Santa Clara County.


Crimes of Persuasion
Inform the public, along with law enforcement personnel, justice officials and victim support groups on the workings and scope of telemarketing and investment fraud so that efforts can effectively be taken to minimize the impact on its victims and ensure that adequate penalties are in place to deter the perpetrators.

Internet Crime Complaint Center
IC3’s mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime.

Straight Talk About Telemarketing
It’s like clockwork. You sit down to dinner and the phone rings. You answer it. The caller is trying to sell you something or tell you that you’ve won a fabulous prize. If you’re tempted by the offer, get the facts. If you don’t, you may be in for a fraud.

Identity Theft

Defend: Recover from Identity Theft
Take steps to respond to and recover from identity theft as soon as you suspect it.

General Guide For Victims Of Identity Theft
This information is provided by the Attorney General to assist individuals who are victims or suspect they may be victims of identity theft. It is intended as a general guide, not as legal advice.

Identity Theft: Online Resources Can Help Protect You
How to protect yourself against identity theft and respond if it happens. A USA government site.

Illegal Drugs

Anonymous Crime Tip Form
You can play an important part in reclaiming your neighborhood from crime and illegal drug trafficking. Any information you supply will help police in their efforts to suppress drug-related activity in your area. All of the information collected will be taken seriously and is confidential. You can also remain anonymous if you wish.

Laws & Legislation

Milpitas, Santa Clara County and California laws that are top on our mind.

Legal Institutions

FBI – San Francisco Division
The San Francisco Division operates from its headquarters office in downtown San Francisco as well as from its Resident Agencies in Concord, Eureka, Hayward, Monterey, Oakland, Palo Alto, San Jose, San Rafael, and Santa Rosa.

Jails – Correctional Facilities
Information and links for Elmwood Correctional Facility and the Correctional Center for Women.

Sheriff’s Office
A very helpful and technical site. Just about everything you’ll want to know about crime fighting in Santa Clara County.

United States Courts for the Ninth Circuit
Federal Court for appeals, bankruptcy, etc. for the Pacific states and territories. History and a “walk-through” of a typical case.


License Look-Up Page
The California State Department of Consumer Affairs offers this page for you to check that the professional you are considering hiring has a license in the State of California.

Neighborhood Watch
The city police will help you organize a crime prevention Neighborhood Watch program in your neighborhood. Call 408-586-2400.

Sex Crimes

Megan’s Law
Gives the benefit of the doubt to parents and community leaders by removing the veil of secrecy that has shrouded the whereabouts of over 64,000 registered sex offenders in California.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
National Sexual Assault Hotline. Free. Confidential. 24/7. Click to call
The nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, online.rainn.org y rainn.org/es) in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Sex Offender Background Checks: A Complete Guide [2024]
BPreparing to hire a new employee can be nerve-racking since adding someone new to your business can impact morale and how well your business operates. If you hire the wrong person, it can lead good employees to look for new jobs and hurt productivity.


Spam Email
To forward unwanted or deceptive spam to the FTC send it to spam@uce.gov, and be sure to include the full email header. If you think you have been taken advantage of by a spam scam, file a complaint with the FTC online at www.ftc.gov. Complaints will help the FTC find and stop people who are using spam to defraud consumers.

SPAM information from the California Office of the Attorney General
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get rid of this electronic junk mail, but there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of unwanted spam and precautions to take to avoid falling victim to bogus offers slipping into your in-box. You may file a Consumer Complaint Against A Business/Company from this page.

Drivers Ed

California online driving class, practice tests, and other tips for teens to learn how to get a permit and California drivers license to be allowed to drive.

How to apply for a provisional permit if you are under 18

Teen Driver Roadmap
Are you age 15 to 17-1/2? Discover the path from learner’s permit to licensed driver and beyond.
Here are some driving schools in nearby Silicon Valley cities.

The Best 10 Driving Schools in San Jose, CA
Learn to drive and qualify for a license in four weekend days. Teen program available. Read reviews in Yelp from students who have taken the driving lessons with each company.

Step 2

  • Call the DMV field office nearest you and make an appointment to take the written test.

Wait times available on these links below for the office and the ones nearest it.

Fremont DMV Field Office
4287 Central Ave., Fremont, CA 94536

Los Gatos DMV Field Office
600 N Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030

Mountain View IBC
595 Showers Dr., Mountain View, CA 94040

San Jose DMV Field Office
111 W. Alma Ave., Ssan Jose, CA 95110

Santa Clara DMV Field Office
3665 Flora Vista Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051

Santa Teresa DMV Field Office
180 Martinvale Lane, San Jose, CA 95119. Frequently has the shortest wait times.

Step 3

Be prepared with proper identification documents, proof of insurance, for the vision screening, and for the photograph.

How to Apply For a Social Security Card
If you need to replace a lost Social Security card, change the name shown on your card, or request a replacement card, you need to complete Form SS-5 which is available for download. Or you can call 1-800-772-1213.

Step 4

  • Study the Drivers Handbook

California Driver Handbook and Motorcycle Handbook, and others.
You are responsible for knowing these tips and regulations before you take the driving test. DMV. Available in many languages.

You are responsible for knowing these tips and regulations before you take the driving test. DMV.

California Drivers Test
Interactive sample driving test online, if you have Java-enabled browser. Answer sheet available for those who don’t. From DMV site. Available in many languages.

Step 5

What to expect at the DMV when you show up to take the written test.

  • Have all the forms mentioned in Step 2 with you plus the certificate awarded when you passed the drivers ed course.
  • Have your picture taken (Where to get a haircut in Milpitas.) This photo will be your primary identification for 4 years, so try to make it look great.
  • Pay the application fee (This fee entitles you to three exams of any type within the 12-month period and pays for both the instruction permit and the driver license. If all requirements are not met within the 12-month period, the application becomes void and all steps must be completed again.)
  • Pass a vision exam (Eye care specialists in Milpitas.)
  • Pass a traffic laws and sign test. There are 46 questions on the test. A passing score is at least 39 correct answers. You have three chances to pass the test. If you fail, you must wait 7 days before taking it again.

Step 6

Get the Keys! Learn to drive!
Get the Keys! Learn to drive!

Congratulations! You passed the written test! What do you do for the next 6 months?

  • Locate a driving school and take the three 2-hour sessions of on-road instruction.

Driving School Association of California
Locate a driving school, safe driving tips, traffic schools, practice tests, insurance rates for new drivers.

  • Begin your on road driving lessons with your parent or guardian or other licensed driver 25 years old or older.
  • Complete 50 hours of practice with an adult 25 years or older. The adult must have a valid California driver license and certify to the 50 hours of practice. At least 10 of the 50 hours must have been done at night.
  • Learn all you can on how to be the best driver you can be.
  • Learn how to take care of the car entrusted to you.

Articles on Road Rage and Aggressive Driving
Learn about Road Rage and how to defuse it. By Dr.Leon James and Dr. Diane Nahl.

Free DMV Practice Test for California Permit
Good driving habits that hold true on every highway.

New Driving Laws
The following are bills signed into law by the governor which have the most significant impact on the department.

Scooter Safety
Here are a few easily digestible guidelines for scooter safety that everyone who uses scooters should observe.

Impact Teen Drivers
Advice from one teenager to others. Some advice adults would probably not think to point out, such as how to best navigate a school parking lot, or that it is best not to hit a school bus. Look out for anything to do with the mail. If there’s one deer there’s bound to be another.

Winter Driving Tips
Winter driving on roads and highways in the snowcapped mountains of California can be a pleasant adventure or it can be frustrating, tiring and sometimes even hazardous. The CHP provides the following information to help make your mountain driving safe and pleasant.

Step 7

Before being eligible to take your driving test you must:

  • Be 16 years old


  • Have possessed your permit for a minimum of six months




  • Have completed 50 hours of practice with an adult 25 years or older. The adult must have a valid California driver license and certify to the 50 hours of practice. At least 10 of the 50 hours must have been done at night.

You will also need to show proof of insurance for the vehicle you will be taking your drive test in.

After you pass your drive test you will be issued an interim license valid for 60 days until you receive your new photo license in the mail. Double check your address before you leave DMV and tell the DMV representative if you have moved or if your address is incorrect. If you have not received your license after 60 days, call (916) 657-7790 and they can check on the status for you. Have your interim license with you to provide information when requested.

If you fail your drive test, you must wait two weeks before you can take the test again. You have three chances to pass.

Step 8

Congratulations! You passed the road test! You have been issued a provisional license, which has these restrictions for the next year.

Persons under 18 may not be employed to drive a motor vehicle. When you become 18, the provisional part of your license ends. You may continue to drive as an adult using your photo license, which will expire on your 4th birthday after the date you applied.

History of Milpitas – 1900s

The Milpitas Monster was filmed in 1975 and 1976 and released to market in 1980, 80 Minutes, Color, Rated PG. Starring: Douglas A. Hagdohl, John “Pop” Kennedy, Scot A. Henderson, Daniel G. Birkhead, Scott Parker, Priscilla House, and William C. Guest. Screenplay by David E. Boston. Music by Robert R. Berry, Jr. Produced and Directed by Robert L. Burrill. Based on a story by David R. Kottas and Robert L. Burrill. Watch the trailer.

On January 26, 1954, Milpitas residents incorporated as a city, including the Ford Factory. See what else happened in the 1900s.

Milpitas in the 1900s

On January 26, 1954, faced with getting swallowed up by a rapidly expanding San Jose, Milpitas residents incorporated as a city that included the recently built Ford Auto Assembly plant. When San Jose attempted to annex Milpitas barely seven years later, the “Milpitas Minutemen” were quickly organized to oppose annexation and keep Milpitas independent. An overwhelming majority of Milpitas registered voters voted “No” to annexation in the 1961 election as a result of a vigorous anti-annexation campaign.

The Milpitas Historical Society December 19, 2020

1:31:54 hours long. Presentation on the history of Main Street in Milpitas from the 1850s through 2020.

‘54 How Milpitas came to ban red lining in its charter.

Calaveras Overpass
The Calaveras Overpass is built to meet the present and growing traffic loads of a progressive city. [They thought!]

Main Street, Milpitas, CA
Main Street, Milpitas, CA

The IT Law Wiki – United States v. Thomas, 74 F.3d 701 (6th Cir. 1996)(full-text).
July 1994. Robert and Carleen Thomas, operators of Amateur Action BBS in Milpitas, California, were tried and convicted of sending “pornography” across state lines by a Memphis jury.

New Mustangs on the line, 1964.
The Great Mall holds a great Ford secret
The huge 1.4 million square-foot facility often served as Ford’s outpost to produce the most popular models for distribution along the west coast. By 1962, the busy factory churned out 135,963 vehicles annually. Over the years it was home to Falcons, Escorts, Rancheros, F-Series pickups, Pintos, many Mercury vehicles, and of course, Mustangs. But as competition increased throughout the 1970s and 80s, this boomtown went bust.

History 1957-1982 by Wayne E. Briggs
The purpose of this history is to preserve the record of events in the building of the Sunnyhills United Methodist Church and of the persons behind those events before it becomes unalterably destroyed by imperfect memories.

Looking back at the Ford Motor Company plant in Milpitas
To honor the company that played a role in accelerating Milpitas’ early growth, we’re sharing some photos that have never been seen before, mostly of Ford’s very last day of operations. We also had the opportunity to interview two former Ford employees. By Rhoda Shapiro, The Milpitas Beat

Milpitas Historical Site Inventory
A map showing historically significant locations in the city of Milpitas.

Milpitas’ top stories over a 60-year span
Overview of stories posted in the Milpitas Post since 1955. “Milpitas received a look at its new community newspaper. The Milpitas Post was born with a 2,000 press run with most of the copies distributed to workers at the gates of the new Ford plant, where the assembly lines were due to roll Feb. 21.”

Police Department History
The City’s first Police Chief was Thomas Letcher. Letcher had just one fulltime Sergeant under his command, while patrol duties were handled by Auxiliary Police Officers working on a part-time basis.

River’s Edge
In 1981 a Milpitas High School student killed his girlfriend, then brought his buddies to see the body. No one told the cops. We’d prefer to forget this crime, but it was made into a movie in 1987. Our “river” here being but a small creek, the film was made up on the American River.

River’s Edge – About the Actor
Daniel Roebuck used flash to try to win the role, dike the flow of “ridiculous sitcom ‘fat guy’ parts,” and scrub away the taint of “Cave Girl.” He entered the audition room with a Tollette-like getup – fatigue jacket, slicked hair, beer can in hand. He downed a brew in his character’s style: full gulp, nerveless, apathetic. Site includes comments about the film versus what really happened.

Sunnyhills Neighborhood History
Sunnyhills was the first planned racially-integrated community in the United States in 1956, arranged by a Union co-op of the United Auto Workers. Today, Sunnyhills still has one of the highest levels of integration of any neighborhood.

Youths’ Silent on Murder Victim Leaves a California Town Baffled
By Wayne King, Special To the New York Times
Dec. 14, 1981. What has shocked this fast-growing community of 38,000 are reports by police investigators, acknowledged by students and school administrators, that the defendant boasted of the crime, then loaded other young people into his white pickup truck and drove them into the hills to view the body. Others, hearing of ”the body in the hills,” went on their own to look.

Silicon Valley

Bernal-Gulnac-Joice Ranch
A visit to the Bernal-Gulnac-Joice Ranch in the Santa Teresa County Park Historic Area immerses you in the realities of living and working on a family ranch more than 100 years ago. A self-guided walk around the park takes you back in time, through a historic ranch house, gardens and barn, all restored and equipped with furnishings and tools typical of California farm life in the early 1900’s.

Disturbing Facts About The 1933 Bay Area Kidnap And Murder Of Brooke Hart
Brooke Hart was the young, good-looking, and athletic heir to his family’s department store fortune. Which is what made him a prime target in the depression of 1933. In November of that year, Hart was kidnapped and murdered and his captors were publicly lynched in California’s last ever public lynching. The Brooke Hart kidnapping shook the nation and is a horrifying glimpse of justice gone wrong in American history. The escape route of the kidnappers went along Piedmont and Evans Road in Milpitas.

Campbell Historical Museum and Ainsley House
The Ainsley House is the 1926 home of canning pioneer John Colpitts Ainsley. It showcases life in Santa Clara Valley during the 1920’s and 1930’s.

Vintage Photos Of Silicon Valley Before It Became A Giant Tech Hub
Silicon Valley is generally considered the center of the tech universe today. But before Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and a host of other major tech companies set up shop there, the Santa Clara Valley was the center of a different industry altogether.

Frontier Village
Frontier Village, San Jose, California, old postcards, photos and other historic images, provide a great visual look back at Frontier Village’s history. The western themed amusement park was located at Monterey Road and Baranham Lane in San Jose, California.

Palo Alto Historical Association
We present programs the first Sunday of the month October through December and February through May. The programs are free and open to the public. Held at the Lucie Stern Community Center, they feature a speaker or speakers on subjects of local interest. Our annual banquet, with a speaker, is held in early June.

Sunnyvale Historic Images
A record of the evolution of our community, past and present.

Swift Justice: Murder and Vengeance in a California Town
by Harry FarrellIn 1933, a couple of losers kidnapped and killed the son of a department store owner in San Jose, California. Little did they know of the fury they would unleash. The men were captured, and then, just hours after the victim’s body was found, a mob stormed the city jail and held “a necktie party” (lynching) in a nearby park. Harry Farrell is a superb writer who researched this case so thoroughly that he has the details to produce an unnerving degree of suspense.

Thomas Foon Chew: Founder of the Bayside Cannery
In 1906, Thomas Foon Chew took over his father’s Precita Canning Company, renaming it The Bayside Canning Company, and turning it into the third largest cannery in the world. Using a technique to can asparagus while retaining crispness and freshness, Chen became known as the Asparagus King.

Valley of the Heart’s Delight
Asks new questions about San Jose’s crime of the century – and whether a lynch mob murdered two innocent men in St. James Park. Hart’s abandoned Studebaker was found in Milpitas.

Velma Lucille Bernal Mendoza
An obit with lots of history both of the 1900’s and earlier eras. Born in San Jose, California on December 13, 1901, she is a direct descendant of Juan Francisco Bernal who came to Northern California with the de Anza expedition of 1776.

Victorian Preservation Association of Santa Clara Valley
A non-profit organization for those who share an interest in the older buildings of our community, especially turn-of-the-century homes.

Bay Area

The October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake-Selected Photographs
This publication contains 103 digitized color 35-mm images from Open-File Report 90-547 (Nakata and others, 1990). Our photographic coverage reflects the time and resources available immediately after the event and is not intended to portray the full extent of earthquake damage. USGS photos.

Neal Cassady
‘The bus came by and I got on, that’s when it all began; There was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to Nevereverland’ -Cassady, the genius behind the Beat Generation, settled in Los Gatos.

Story of an Eyewitness
May 5, 1906. Jack London went to the scene of the San Francisco Fire & Earthquake and wrote the following dramatic description of the tragic events he witnessed in the burning city.

Who’s Who of the Haight-Ashbury Era
This is a list of short (thumbnail size) biographies of people who were somehow involved with this event.


Volunteer opportunities and matching services in Milpitas, California, Silicon Valley, and the San Jose and San Francisco Bay Area.

Many volunteer groups want you to get a background check and to be fingerprinted. This place is convenient. Tell them you are doing this for a volunteer position, and they will lower the fee.

Isha Diagnostics California Corporation
Drug & Alcohol, DNA Testing. Live Scan Fingerprinting
1207 S Park Victoria Dr

Currently Needed

Child Advocates of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties
Over 400 needy children are on our waitlist for an Advocate. Help a child today. Contact us: info@cadvocates.org

Reading Partners Silicon Valley
Volunteer reading partners help equip students with the lifelong literacy skills that empower their learning. Facebook page for local information.

Vision Literacy Adult Literacy Services
To schedule an appointment or for more information, call 408-262-1349 or email info@visionliteracy.org.

Ongoing – Milpitas

Azen Seagulls Project
New videos every Monday. A non-profit organization that aims to educate about art. The Azen Seagulls strive to share our love for arts and crafts with others. We provide engaging and interactive videos for young kids and teens that will enhance or begin their experience with arts and crafts. Especially with quarantine, we believe it’s the perfect time to explore new things, and we believe that art can take you places!

Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley
Offers innovative and effective afterschool and summer enrichment programs primarily for low income, at-risk Santa Clara County youth ages 6-18 years. Yelp review.
518 Valley Way

Child Advocates of Silicon Valley
Provides essential services to this vulnerable population since 1986. The organization trains and supports Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers. Sobrato Foundation center, off Abbott.

The Family Giving Tree
Interested in volunteering during the Family Giving Tree’s Back-to-School and/or Holiday Wish Drives? We’re always looking for people who want to have fun, are passionate about our work and love giving back to their community. Yelp review.
606 Valley Way.

Fresh Lifelines for Youth aka FLY Program
We are always looking for energetic individuals to become mentors or facilitate our law classes. Yelp review.
568 Valley Way

Friends of Milpitas Library
If you wish to volunteer for library book sales, please call the library at 408-262-1171 and leave your name and phone number so a member of FOML can contact you.

Graffiti Terminators
Become a graffiti terminator and help beautify Milpitas.

Humane Society Silicon Valley
Whether it’s feeding, walking, or playing, we can always use an extra set of hands. Learn how you can support our programs through volunteering. Yelp review.
901 Ames Ave.

Milpitas Police Department Citizen Volunteers
Adults, 21 years of age and older, who have an interest in helping their community improve the quality of life for all citizens of Milpitas. Trained volunteers will be utilized to enhance vital police programs and increase community awareness.

Milpitas Unified School District Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers play a key role in Milpitas Unified School District. They provide essential support to our public schools by mentoring and tutoring students, helping in classrooms and school activities, and helping raise much needed for schools.

Milpitas Volunteer Partners
Parks & Recreation Services has many volunteer opportunities available.

Police Community Relations Unit
A variety of community based programs: McGruff the Crime Dog, Police And Community Educational Seminars, Neighborhood Watch, Police Explorers, Ride Along Program, and Citizen Volunteer Program.

Public Allies
Through our signature AmeriCorps program, Public Allies identifies talented young adults from diverse backgrounds and advances their leadership through a ten month program of full-time, paid apprenticeships in nonprofit organizations, weekly leadership trainings, and team service projects. Sobrato Foundation center, off Abbott.

Ongoing – Bay Area

Bay Area Volunteer Information Center
The purpose of this Web publication is to provide information about volunteer opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area. If your group needs volunteers, you should list here.
Santa Clara County
1922 The Alameda, Suite 211
San Jose, California 95126

Be a Blood Donor
American Red Cross Blood Services, Northern California Region is proud to offer online appointment scheduling. It’s easy, convenient and “open” 24 hours a day. Locate donation centers in or near Milpitas or by date.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area
Helps build responsible, independent children and youth by matching each with a supportive and caring adult role model. Sobrato Foundation center, off Abbott.
600A Valley Way

Hands On Bay Area
Every day our volunteers, 10,000 strong, are teaching children the joy of reading, beautifying our parks, coaching athletes with disabilities, cooking meals for our homebound neighbors playing bingo with seniors, distributing food to low income families, cleaning up our city blocks and learning what it means to create positive change.
514 Valley Way

RAFT-Resource Area For Teaching
As a RAFT Volunteer, everything you do supports educators, saving them time and money. Yelp review.
1355 Ridder Park Dr., Jose, CA 95131

Sports 4 Kids
Recruits and trains enthusiastic adults to lead games and physical activities for all the students at each school. Sobrato Foundation center, off Abbott.

SunWork Renewable Energy Projects
Most SunWork volunteers are local people who are passionate about the environment and who are excited about doing something constructive.
477 Valley Way

Today’s Youth Matter
Provides battered and abused children in need of positive adult mentoring a wilderness experience followed with year-round support from caring adults, giving them reason for hope and a future. Sobrato Foundation center, off Abbott.

Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. From animal care to data entry, volunteers keep the Wildlife Center, and our animals, alive! Whatever volunteer opportunity you choose, your contribution of time makes a BIG difference and gives wildlife a second chance.

Summer Programs and Camps


Milpitas has several camps and summer schools within the city limits or quite close by. Fun places for kids to spend a week or more right here in Milpitas. Call before sending in any funds.


Otherwise known a “Summer School,” these programs help children stretch their imaginations.

MUSD Extended Learning Opportunities
The 2024 Summer Academy is a five-week academic summer program for current TK-12th grade students (grade in the Fall of 2024).  In alignment with MUSD’s Strategic Goal. Students invited to summer school will receive a letter and registration information from the District Office.
​Location: Curtner Elementary

Ohlone for Kids Summer Enrichment Program
A fee-based enrichment program, for students entering fourth to ninth grade, offered through Ohlone College in Fremont. This program is designed for students who are academically at or above grade level. Catalog available in March. Registration begins April 1.
43600 Mission Blvd.Fremont, CA 94539

Camps – Indoors and Out

Camps in the woods, or by a lake. Mosquitos, poison oak, swimming, crafts, sleeping bags… or an in-city day camp close to home.

South Bay Area Summer Camps 2024
A huge variety of summer camps are offered in the Bay Area. Click on the categories on this link to find fun and enriching camps for children of all ages and interests. If you’d rather find a camp nearer to your place of work outside of Milpitas, check here.

Bay Badminton Center Summer Camp/Academy Training
A Non-profit Organization Promoting the Sport of Badminton.Now Accepting Registrations for 2024 Badminton Summer Camp! To register, please click on the corresponding registration links according to child’s experience level.
1191 Montague Expy. (Inside Montague Court at Flemings Business Park)

Bay View Junior Golf Summer Camps – Half & Full Day Options
We offer expert coaching from PGA and U.S Kids Golf certified coaches with an emphasis on learning and fun. We offer camps for beginners, intermediate and advanced golfers and are the only program we are aware of that includes TRACKMAN golf simulators, the best golf tools in the industry, as part of our curriculum.
1500 Country Club Drive

Bodhi Meditation Center Young Adult Summer Program
Free all day workshops (such as digital painting and photography and video editing), vegetarian lunch, for high school and college folks. Week of July 15-21, 2023 (and future years).
919 Hanson Ct.

BrainVyne LEGO® & Robotics Camps
Have your child join us and learn STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) through play. Our curriculum and lego kits used in our programs is from the premier LEGO® Education line of products and is enhanced by world-famous Master-builders. The sessions are led by trained instructors and California credentialed teachers. For an unforgettably fun experience, pick from our many unique camps.

Camp Zone Summer Camp
We’re designing the perfect summer camp for your child, complete with all the fun, enriching activities they love, and the important safety measures you expect. Save the Date: Summer Camp registration opens March 15. Camp activities include sports & games, arts & crafts, science & cooking, songs & skits, field trips and swimming. For more information, call 408-945-9090 or email brenda.alvarez@nlcinc.com or kevin.dy@nlcinc.com.

Our camps are held at theCoderSchool Milpitas and are run weekly from 9am-12pm Mon-Fri. Kids bring their own snacks and water bottles and we’ll take care of the rest! Kids code throughout the week then demo their week’s creations on the last day of camp.
1683 N Milpitas Blvd.

Destination Science – Milpitas
Rescue Robot Mystery Camp, Artemis Moon Mission Camp, and BioBot Roller Coaster Camp.
25 Corning Ave
(800) 854-3684

Euro School of Tennis
In Milpitas, the tennis days in our Summer Tennis Camps will burn like the sun. We can’t wait for this session starts. If you want to see a big smile on your kid face, our program is the right activity to learn tennis, socialize with other kids, have great memories and of course, enjoy the Summer.
Pinewood Park Tennis Courts
1375 Starlite Dr

Horseback Riding Summer Camp
Join our fun-filled, week-long horse camps at beautiful Ed Levin Park. Camps are for children ages 6 and up. Campers will ride a horse for one hour each day. During the rest of the day they will learn about things such as horse grooming and care, history of the horse, horse colors and markings, parts of the horse, how to saddle, and much more. Campers will also play a variety of games and do arts and crafts.
3077 Calaveras Road, Milpitas

ICC Summer Camp
Join the ICC Cultural Immersion camps to learn Yoga, Indian arts and crafts, Bollywood dance, theatre, new sports and more.
525 Los Coches St.

Milpitas Recreation Summer Day Camps
Camp Quest (ages 5-6)
Camp Elevate (ages 7-12)
All-Star Sports Camp (ages 7-12)
Cooking Camp (ages 7-12)
Jr. All-Star Sports Camp (ages 5-6)
Jr. Cooking Camp (ages 5-6)
Counselor In Training (CIT) Application Form: Due April 19, 2024
457 East Calaveras Blvd.

Most of our local day care and preschool centers also have summer programs, as do some places of worship,  and public and  private schools in the area.

Friends of the Milpitas Library Book Sales

The Friends of the Milpitas Library usually hold three 4-day book sales each year.

Next Four Day Book Sale:

  • Next 4-day Book Sale May 31 – June 2, 2024

Inside Book Sale

  • The Book Nook behind the accounts desk on the first floor is now open.

Milpitas Community Library
160 N. Main St.

Extra parking available in the Midtown Garage
120 N. Main St.

Thursday is members’-only night. Doors open from 5pm until 8:30pm.

Bring your membership card, or purchase a membership at the door. Individual memberships allow 1 person to enter; family memberships allow the entire family to enjoy the booksale. You must be present to hold a place in line – you cannot “save” your spot with boxes or other items. Learn more about memberships.

Being a Friend offers several benefits:

  • Entry into members-only previews at all major book sales:
  • Get the first look at our stock of books on Thursday night before the public is admitted on Friday.
  • Flyers: You’ll also receive flyers to remind you of important dates — like the next booksale!
  • Free Bag of Books: Members receive a coupon good for a free bag of books on Sunday Bargain Days at each 4-Day Sale. Recoup your member fee at your first sale! (Or your second sale for Family memberships.)

Annual memberships costs $5 for individuals and $10 for families. We also offer a lifetime membership for $300.

Friday and Saturday is open to the public. Doors open from 10am until 5pm.

Sunday is Bargain Bag Day – open to the public. Doors open from 10am until 5pm.

Book Sale Prices

Prices for the book sale are as follows:

  • Books: $1.50 per inch
  • CDs: (music and software) 4 for $1.00
  • Audio books, DVDs, VCDs and BluRay discs: $2 each
  • Box sets of DVDs, CDs, or VCDs: individually priced based on the number of discs in the set
  • Specialty items: Individually priced
  • Bargain Day Sales: $5 per paper grocery bag full of books, media prices are 1/2 off.

We accept the following forms of payment:

  • Cash & Checks
  • All major Credit Cards
  • Apple Pay & Google Pay
  • Contactless payment available

Our 4-Day Sales in 2024 are scheduled for:

  • March 14-17
  • May 30-June 2
  • September 12-15
  • December 5-8

Ongoing Sale Shelves

The Friends have a continuous book sale within the Milpitas Library. Several shelves behind the Accounts Desk hold a variety of books for sale, which are refreshed frequently.

Please bring all selections for purchase to the Accounts Desk and indicate that you picked them up from the Friends of the Milpitas Library sale shelves.

Inside Book Sale

In addition to our triannual book sales, there is a continuous book sale within the library. Behind the accounts counter are several shelves holding a variety of hardback and paperback fiction, children’s books and assorted non-fiction. This selection is refreshed frequently. Please bring all purchases to the accounts desk and indicate that you picked them up from the FOML sale shelves. Prices for inside sales are:

  • Paperbacks and Children’s books: $1 each
  • Specialty books: Prices as marked on the book
  • All others: $2 each

Inside Book Sale

In addition to our 4 annual book sales, there is a continuous book sale within the library. Behind the accounts counter are several shelves holding a variety of hardback and paperback fiction, children’s books and assorted non-fiction. This selection is refreshed frequently. Please bring all purchases to the accounts desk and indicate that you picked them up from the FOML sale shelves. Prices for inside sales are:

  • Paperbacks and Children’s books: $1 each
  • Specialty books: Prices as marked on the book
  • All others: $2 each


Mini-sales are one or two day events featuring a limited selection of books, often including seasonal titles. They are held in smaller rooms and do not include bag sales.

The next mini-sale will be held on August 24 & 25, 2024. It will feature a selection of special-price books.

Pop-Up Sales

Pop-up sales are irregularly scheduled one-day sales that are advertised exclusively through email and social media.

The Book Nook

We have a variety of great books available at great prices every day in the Book Nook behind the accounts desk on the first floor. All books are 50% off every Sunday.

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