Health Services in and near Milpitas
We have some of the best medical facilities in the country in the area surrounding Milpitas to take care of you in your hour of need. Abortion Providers Chiropractors and Physical Therapists Counseling: Help and Support with Problems Dental Services Donate Home Medical Equipment Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Drug Discounts Drug Disposal Drug Reference Drug Stores / Pharmacies Emergency Training and Planning Fitness – Personal Training, Teams, Sports Programs & Training Health Advice Health Insurance Hospice Care Hospitals & Clinics In Milpitas Hospitals & Clinics in Santa Clara and Alameda Counties Marijuana Dispensaries Medical Technology Developed in Milpitas Medicine and Drugstores in Milpitas Optometric Services / Optometry Suicide Prevention Resources…
Lawyers, Attorneys & Legal Advisors in Milpitas
GoMilpitas.com does not endorse any of these lawyers. The materials on this page are presented for informational and promotional purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content in these links without seeking appropriate legal advice regarding your own particular facts and circumstances from an attorney licensed to practice law in your state. Apoyo Legal Migrante Asociado The specific purpose of our organization is to provide legal advice, education, and services to immigrants and the legal community. We specialize in serving low-income immigrants and charge below market rate fees. We offer family-based immigration advice and practice. Sobrato,…
Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates for Milpitas
As the Coronavirus COVID-19 has hit our city and county particularly hard, I will use this post to keep you updated on important information you will need right here in town. Some posts here will be updated with extra links to Covid-19 information related to their usual topics. Covid-19 Case Rates in Milpitas Covid-19 Testing Available in Milpitas Covid-19 Updated Pages COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility and Scheduling Most Recent Santa Clara County Shelter-in-Place (SIP) Order City Services Available or Closed Financial Resources for those suffering financially because of Covid-19 Milpitas Unified School District Services Santa Clara County County Services Pages on GoMilpitas with recently updated Covid-19 coverage Covid-19 Jokes Covid-19 Information…
Fishing in Milpitas Lakes
We’ve got some of the best fishing spots around! No activity can be as rewarding as relaxing near a crystal clear waterway with fishing pole in hand and line in one of Milpitas’ lakes. Department of Fish and Game plants larger fish. To enhance anglers abilities to enjoy lakes close to home, the Fishing in the City program provides supplemental stocking of 1 pound rainbow trout and 1 to 2 pound catfish at lakes around the Bay Area, including Sandy Wool Lake and Spring Valley Lake in Milpitas. CDFW Wildlife Area Operational Changes due to COVID-19 The Department plans to operate wildlife areas to provide recreational opportunities while keeping the…
Trails & Bike Paths
Within Milpitas City Limits Bay Trail through Milpitas Map of the Bay Trail where it passes near and through Milpitas. Might be possible to hike or bike it. Catch it at the McCarthy Ranch shopping center. Best Paved Bike Trails near Milpitas Yelp reviews of the best bike trails in and near Milpitas. Calaveras, The Wall For me, “the wall” is the final section on Calaveras Road going east from Milpitas. It’s difficult and made more so by the effort reaching it from Piedmont. Someone had spray-painted “the wall” on the pavement near the start. City of Milpitas Bike Map 2022 Maps of roads with bike lanes in Milpitas. Avoid…
Movies in and near Milpitas, California
Century 20 Great Mall Century 20 Great Mall Milpitas show times. Don’t wait. Guarantee your seat before you go and avoid a sold out show. A fair number of non-English films. 1010 Great Mall Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 CinéArts-Endorsed films are also playing at this theatre. Cineark Popcorn Calorie Count You may want to order the “Junior” size and hold the butter! There are some inconsistencies in this database, but you’ll get the general idea. Theaters nearby with Covid19 cleaning and procedures in place. All are quite far from Milpitas. Nearby Movies with advance ticketing. Most open with Covid restrictions in place. State/Local mandates require masks be worn at all times. Therefore, no…
Recipes for Weight Loss and Heart-Healthy Eating
Good nutrition is one way to reduce your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. But in times of Covid-19, being stuck in the house, it is easy to forget to eat less and move more. You might be snacking on cookies rather than something more nutritious. Try cherry tomatoes or grapes for a healthful snack. Break kale into chip-sized pieces, toss with some olive oil, and spread on a cookie sheet. If you are ok with salt, sprinkle some on. Bake at 400° for 4 minutes. Voila! Healthful chips, and they taste better than you’d expect for kale. Find some exercise videos on YouTube. You can search on terms…
Filipino Dining in Milpitas
Dining and Food ~ Restaurants in Milpitas ~ Asian Pacific Dining There is a good choice of Filipino restaurants in the shopping center on Landess just west of S. Park Victoria in Milpitas. Most are offering take-out and some offer delivery service during Covid-19. Please let me know if you see any with more than 2-3 tables in their patio for outside dining. Chow King Yelp. “One thing to know about this chain: it’s Chinese fastfood in the Philippines, brought here. 1535 Landess Ave 408-957-0681 Ima’s Kusina Yelp. Small counter-serve stop for a wide variety of Filipino sweets & savory dishes, plus party trays. 1535 Landess Ave. 408-263-6748 Grill City…
Bay Area Health Officials Urge Immediate Vaccination – 8-2-2021
Bay Area Health Officials Urge Immediate Vaccination and Issue Orders Requiring Use of Face Coverings Indoors to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and the City of Berkeley Indoor Masking Orders Take Effect Tuesday August 3, 2021 Published August 2, 2021 at 12:00 PM SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CA – Vaccination continues to protect against severe COVID-19 illness, but with the COVID-19 Delta variant now infecting a small percentage of vaccinated people as well as many unvaccinated people, eight Bay Area health officers have issued Health Orders requiring masks indoors in public places. The Orders require all individuals, regardless…
COVID-19 Vaccination Eligibility and Scheduling
COVID-19 Vaccinations are only available to those who meet federal and state criteria. CDC now recommends a booster vaccination of the COVID-19 vaccine for moderate to severe immunocompromised individuals that previously completed the series. COVID-19 Vaccine Information The first COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for use in the United States. Hundreds of millions of people have now received these safe and effective vaccines. The Public Health Department strongly recommends that anyone aged 12 and above get vaccinated now. Additional Doses for immunocompromised patients after two doses of Pfizer or Moderna: 3rd doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for patients who are at least 28 days…